Random long ass quiz about random info!

1. How old are you? Fourteen.

2. What’s your middle name? Cheyenne. :|

3. If you could legally change your name, what would you change it to? Good question. Maybe Savage. That would be the SHIT. But I would probably go with something that starts with a K. Maybe Sky. That would be cool. c:

4. Any body piercings? What do you have, and what do you want? My ears are pierced, but I kind want my tongue or lip to be pierced, but I don't. XD

5. What’s your relationship status? I am taken, thank you.

6. Longest and shortest relationship? Longest one is like 4 or 5 months, and shortest is like a week.

7. What is your natural hair colour? Brown-blonde, with a lot more brown than blonde.

8. What’s your eye color? A greyish blue.

9. Would you change it? Nooo, it changes colors. I love it~

10. What’s your hair type (curly, wavy, straight)? It always changes. But it's usually wavy, and I wish it was SUPER straight.

11. Do you get along with your neighbours? Not exactly my next door one, but the rest are okay I guess.

12. How old is the last person you kissed? Also fourteen.

13. Which of your parents are you more like, personality-wise? Pfft. I guess my mom. She's pretty fucked up and whatnot.

14. What about looks-wise? I don't look like either. :/

15. Favorite summer drink? Summer drink? Uhhhh... Cherry limeade?

16. If you’re in school, what grade are you in? I'm going to be in 9th grade! I'm scared.

17. What’s your future career going to be? I want to be an artist, but I doubt that'll ever happen. I really really want to learn how to play guitar though.

18. Planning on college? Maybe.

19. Favorite boy’s name? Oh god. So many! Shane, Xavier, Demitri, Konner, Damian, Blaze, Felix, Jet, Markus, Sebastian, Jude, and Adam.

20. Favorite girl’s name? Pft. I don't really have any...

21. Do you like to read? Why yes, it's very nice. I like making mind-movies. =w=

22. Do you like to write? Ohhhh yeah. <3

23. Favorite movie? FFFFFUUUCCKKK. There are SO many. Top 5 would be RENT, The Lion King, Horton Hears a Who!, Titanic, and Across The Universe.

24. Who are your best friends? Carolina, Krystal, and Bailey!

25. What kinds of grades do you/did you get in school? It's different for all subjects. In Reading/LA, I get A's. In Science it's usually B, Social Studies is ALL over the place, and I barely hold up in Math.

26. Where were you when 9/11 happened? I have no fucking idea.

27. Where were you when the Columbine school shootings happened? .... The what?

28. Are you a virgin? Yes, and I hope to keep it that way until I'm 18 or so. And I want it taken by an emo guy. <3

29. Favorite magazines? Shonen Jump. XD

30. Where were you born? Wichita.

31. What’s the last thing you bought? Random snack food with Carolina.

32. Do you drink, smoke, or do drugs? I don't do any of them, thank GOD.

33. Do you drink coffee? Ick, no.

34. Three words to describe your fashion sense? Emo, random, personal.

35. Do you have a blog (either a personal Xanga, blogger, Tumblr, whatever)? Nooope. Does this count as a blog though?

36. Did you see Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro” video? Do you even like Gaga? I don't usually watch music videos to things, so no. But I do love the GaGa. <3

37. Where do you work? Are you kidding? I don't work.

38. What’s the last thing someone borrowed from you? Uh.. I guess one of my Pokemon games.

39. What song was really popular when you were in middle school? Haha, I guess Ke$ha. I don't fucking know. XD

40. What about your freshman year of high school? Uhhh.. haven't taken it yet.

41. Do you exercise? Ha, funny. No. But I probably should..

42. Do you have A/C in your house? Hell yeah and loving it.

43. Do you use A/C while you’re driving? I don't drive, but if I'm in a car, they better be.

44. How much does it cost to fill your car with gas usually? Can't say, I don't have a car.

45. What deodorant do you use? ... I don't use it that often, so I really don't know.

46. How old are your siblings, if you have any? Adam is 26, Tiffany is 27, and Jill is like... mid 30's.

47. What makeup, if any, do you wear? I don't usually wear makeup.. buuuut... eyeliner, I guess.

48. Do you shave? Pfft. Not regularly.

49. Ever dyed your hair an unnatural color? Sort of? I got some red streaks, but they weren't RED red.

50. Ever made a remix of a song? Pfffft I dunno how to, really.

51. What are some things you like to do that most other people consider childish? Oh God. I do SO many childish things. I like to swing on swings, draw with chalk on sidewalks, play hide and seek... yeah.

52. Do you think you act your age? Yeahhh no. I act like an 8 year old. Unless I'm being emo. *Flips hair*

53. Are you tan? Pffff you're funny. Noooo. I'm the whitest of all my friends! I love that! 8D

54. Favorite eye color? Red is pretty fucking cool. But I really like blue eyes.

55. What colors are the walls of your room? White. D<

56. Worst trend right now in your opinion? I know it isn't right now, but those stupid sunglasses that look like window blinds. Blech. And guys trying to by 'gangster' by saying 'son' and 'yeah boy' a LOT.

57. If you get married, will you take your partner’s name? If it's a girl, no, but if it's a guy, yes.

58. Are you, or anyone you know, polyamorous? I love that song, but I have no idea what it means.

59. Ever been in an open relationship? Open? Like, EVERYONE knows? Yes, sadly. My first boyfriend, who was a big mistake.

60. If you’re single, how long have you been single for? Not single..

61. Do you know how your parents met? Haha, no. I don't really give a shit, but that's something I could ask my dad. Not mom. Hate talking to mom. D<

62. Are your parents together, separated, divorced, or never married? Spearated and never married. Whatever.

63. Weirdest place you had sex? I haven't had sex, so I'll just say the weirdest place I've kissed was in a girl's locker room. XD

64. What age did you first get internet at? Ohhh fff. I dunno. I guess I started getting into the internet when I was around 10 or so.

65. What age did you first get a cellphone at? Fourth grade... so.. when I was 10.

66. What year were you born? 1996.

67. What’s your favorite decade? Either 60's because of the Beatles and peace and love, the 80's because of the music and whatnot, or the 90's.
69. Do you own any antiques? ..No..

70. How much was your last paycheck? I don't have a job.

71. Do any of your friends live alone? I don't believe so.

72. Does your car have bumper stickers on it? Once again, no car.

74. Are you currently in love? Yepppp. c:

75. Favorite flavor of smoothie? Smoothie? Strawberry, I guess. Though I haven't really tried any smoothie flavors.

76. Favorite nail polish color? BLACK. OH SWEET JESUS YES.

77. Did you order a yearbook for every year of high school? Not high school, but elementary school I did.

78. Did you get a yearbook in elementary school? Haha, yes.

79. What about middle school? Nahh.

81. Do you use MySpace or Facebook more? My MySpace is like, DEAD. Facebook all the way.

82. Do you do drugs? Wasn't I asked this? No.

83. Do you smoke? Again, no.

84. Do you drink coffee? Another already asked? And, no.

86. When is/was your 18th birthday? In about 4 years or so. Minus a couple months.

87. Favorite band you’ve seen live? BREAKING BENJAMINNNNN!!!! Or Nickelback. But man, I didn't know Breaking Benjamin was playing until we saw the T-shirt stand, and I'm like "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT". XD

88. What kind of phone do you have? A Verizon Samsung thingy.

89. Do you have a friend that REALLY gets on your nerves sometimes? Pffffffft YEAH.

90. Ever dated someone of a different race? Nope. Nooo offense, but I'm don't think black or hispanic people are cute/hot. So no.

92. What religion are you? I don't have a religion. :/

93. What’s your stance on abortion? I'm not completely against it. Sometimes people need it. So... Yeah.

94. Are you a Democrat or Republican? I'm like, the only Republican out of my friends I think.

95. Do you believe in global warming? No, it's fake, just like the moon. Derp.

96. Ever get a ticket? If so, what for? Nooooo.

97. Ever travelled to another country? N-Nng.. No. But I really want to!!

98. Do you speak any other languages? Pffft no. I just know English. But I know a TEENY bit of Spanish and Japanese.

99: Do you care what people think? I kind of care what my friends think, but screw the rest of the world.

100: How is your life? It's going smoothly, I guess. Just edge-y from getting like no sleep. =.=
