Well, well, well... Here I am again! Reporting in to update you on my progress. So it's been around 12 days since I've started the 30 Day Shred program. I guess I could summarize the days as I've been keeping track of the progress:
Day 1 - In my head I was thinking, "eh, no problem". "It's just jumping jacks and the lot..." Oh boy. I didn't expect to be so drenched in sweat by the end of it. Fun, fun, fun.
Day 2 - Felt a bit sore in the legs and in the arms. The thing is that the routine starts off with 30 seconds of pushups, and then 30 seconds of jumping jacks, then another 30 seconds of pushups. This was pretty much the bane of my workout in level 1. Everything else was pretty dandy.
Day 3 - I was completely sore. I didn't expect to get THIS sore from the work out. I even did a few more stretches after the work outs to try and help the soreness. Again the pushups are painful. I still could not do full pushups... Yeah I had to settle for the sissy ones. Was starting to feel it in the abs more and more as I went on with the work out.
Day 4 - THIS was the day that I stopped feeling so sore. It felt amazing (all except for my arms).
Day 5 - Feeling pretty good. This was the day I did the routine in a group with Someguy, and the home girl. Also, I found out I pretty much lost 5lbs that day 8D Exciting.
Day 6 & 7 - Felt the burn in my abs more than anything. In the routine, it switches from cardio to strength to one minute abs containing crunches, reverse crunches, and the all time favourite: bicycle crunches. I don't know if my stamina was just going down, but I found myself taking more breaks between these two days. Again by this day, I can barely do the proper pushups. I was still doing the sissy ones, and those STILL BURN!
Day 8 & 9 - Kinda cheated a bit with Dine Out (pre-arranged before I started the program orz). Still, pushups continue to be a pain to do.
Day 10 - Did the final day of level 1 with the group. This time I opted for the 5lb weights. My sides felt sore afterwards, and I was definitely more spent than anything. Although compared to the first few days, I'm not getting as sore as I did before. Which is very good. Also: I need to get heavier weights for at home use.
So what are the results?
Weight: Roughly about 5lbs lost. This of course fluctuates depending on how much I've eaten in a day and drank but so far so good. This was in conjunction of eating better, and less. I've been starting most of my days off with that celery, kiwi, and apple smoothy and then generally eating less and drinking more water and green tea. I'm not sure how much I've lost from exercising alone, but this is pretty good :3
Inches lost: Lost about 0.5'' from my natural waist; 0.75'' from my belly button, and about 0.5'' from my fat guns 8D
All this time I was afraid I would be bulking up instead of losing the layer of fat. I guess the idea is to actually build the muscle up in order to burn more calories... I guess I'm mostly fine with that.
Oh, I can also feel my abs 8D I just need to melt off that layer of fattiness.
Started level 2 today. All I've got to say is that it is quite brutal. I guess I can get into that a little later : p