Welcome to Community Fusion!

(Please Note: This WAS at one point in time a RP, but for reasons, I have closed it. Why would I not just delete the world? Because this rp is filled with memories of my three years on TheOtaku along with all my past and present members. I think it would kill us all to see it all just vanish. It was a fun ride, Community Fusion, and thanks ^^)

Harmony, a place we thought was only in the legends. It was a place where all the half breeds tried to go, to escape the life they lived is, constantly looked down on by the humans. Two years, we looked around the world, we lost some, and gained some, some even gave up along the way believing that such a place didn’t exist. But we made it, we found Harmony. Many of us lived peacefully for a few years, we made lives and were reunited with the ones we thought were lost. All seemed right and in place, until the guardian of Harmony turned up dead.

When we first arrived at the gate of Harmony, we were approached by a beautiful serpent Half Breed. Later, we found she was a god. She was a guardian, one who watched and protected it from those who wished ill on it. We were made aware of what had happened by the god who watched and protected the inside of Harmony. With her dying breath, she sealed the entrance to Harmony.

With this turn of events, we decided to leave, to go back to the human’s world to discover what had become of it. And… What awaited us was a great surprise. Time passes slow in Harmony, while it felt like only a short few years, ten years had passed within the human’s world. Not only that, but all half breeds were forced to be kept by humans. They became nothing more than a servant or pet. Besides that, there were other species. Half breeds who lost their way and became nothing more than a beast, one who mindlessly fights. Cross Breeds, those who were a result of experiments and were a mix of two animals, but just in appearance holding none of the enhanced senses.

All of this… Has become of the Human’s world. Well, there’s no turning back now that the entrance to Harmony was hidden and sealed. All we can do is keep moving forward.

Here's the world where you create your own halfbreed and return to the Human's world after years of a peaceful life in Harmony. Drama, action, and romance, that's what this adventure's all about so don't be afraid to put in a few twists into the mix.

Be sure to post and have fun!


Littlepooch-Leader(Sky Makoto the Cat, Nathan the Black Leopard, Rika Rakesh the Hyena, and Sage Galson the Megalodon.)

XxRaindropsxX-Coleader(Ariel the White Tiger.)

Cair Paravel-Secretary(Lucille Lapin the Rabbit, Rita LeProtto the Border Collie and Eve Royle the White Stag.)

HalfwayVamped-Senior Member(Io the Dragon, Naoki the Lynx, Seth Leavenworth the Dragon.)

GreenLeAfe-Senior Member(Kasumi the Soricid and Tamotsu the Blue Jay.)

Amestar-Senior Member(Abigail the Golden Eagle and Alicia the Snow Leopard.)

Animelover7310-Senior Member(Moon Rakesh the Black Leopard, Luna Rakesh the Snow Leopard, Brooklyn the Lynx and Baffin Island Wolf and Nathan the Black Leopard.)

Balletninja-Senior Member(Jethro the German Shepard.)

ChiyukiChan-Senior Member(Kai Hughes, Ennis Hughes the Human, and Benign Hughes the Field Mouse.)

YamiHita-Senior Member(Shadow Curtis the British Colombian Wolf, Ice the British Colombian Wolf, Kin the Iriomote Cat, Willow the British Columbian Wolf and Tasmanian Devil.)

OnlyAMarionette-Senior Member(Sebastien Charbonneau the Raven and Rhys Hansen the Eastern Brown Snake.)

HanakoAnimeaddict-Senior Member(Claudia Kincaid the Otter, Kari Kincaid the Maine Coon, and Saya the Nene Goose.)

Simplebeast231-(Wesnorth Roley the Titanoboa.)

Kayuki-(Prince Caliber the Red Fox.)

IyamiNaHamusutaa-(Moot the Roborovski Dwarf Hamster.)

Mmmchocolate-(Paloma the Dog.)

Revengeisblood-(Shela the Sheep *suspended*.)

Tutcat-(Raina Blazet the Red Fox.)

Eiri Yuki s Lover-(Alec the Cheetah.)

Shom-(Trent the Monkey.)

Important links!

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I hope ta see some good posts!


Need a Hand?

I was so excited to see my hand. It felt kind of weird to be that happy over something so seemingly trivial, but I was! I quickly morphed it back so I could run easier and ran over to Ariel. "Look!" I sounded like a little kid when I held up my paw and morphed it into my hand. "Hey! That's great Asuka! Can you get anything else?" Her tone reminded me of Alex. But I wasn't going to let my memories of him get to me. I began to concentrate again, as hard as I could. I felt something, but I wasn't sure what. I opened my eyes and didn't notice anything else "humanized". "W-what happened?" I asked losing my excitement. I heard Sora behind me giggle a little, then burst into laughter. I turned to see what it was and I saw David nudge her a little, "Hey it's not funny Sora. She can't help it." I asked again, "What happened?" Then Sora filled me in, "Your tail is gone! You just look really funny without your tail!" I would have blushed if I could when I turned around to see for myself. Sure enough my tail was gone. But then again, that's what I'm aiming for! So I morphed back to complete foxcoon and joined Sora nervously laughing. "Yeah, I guess I do look k-kind of funny with out it!" Then I glanced over at Dani to see what she was up to and I saw her standing over Gray. I scampered over to see if I could help.

Yay! Welcome back (officially) Luffysister!

still won't tell


I saw the wolf girl pull out one of those weird puzzel things. She was always near the bear... I wondered what kind of relationship they had. He always looked at her with guilt and regret, but she always smiled.

I saw a strange look pass over his face.

I hope he's alright,I] I thought.

Kasumi walked over and sat down next to me.

"Hey," I said, feeling cranky. I breathed out a puff a smoke.

"Hey," she answered, "You never really told me why you smoke, or why it's not a normal cigarette."

"It's a long and disgusting story, that I don't talk about, ever. Only my sister, well, step-sister, Azera knows, and I plan to keep it that way." I said that and blew smoke in her face playfully.

"I won't pry, but you don't want to get stuck like Asuka," She said, clearly prying.

"Been there, done that!" I said.

"You should at least tell Io, she'd be hurt if she knew you kept something from her," Kasumi smiled that crazy red toothed amile, winked, and walked away.

Sorry if that was weird! Hope my spelling wasn't TOO bad!

Smiles and Ice


I watched Asuka as she disappeared into the cover of the trees. She was a brave girl, she was so shy yet she told us the thing she kept secret. I was positive she would get her form back.

I looked around, Sky and Sora were awake now and Kovu sat down beside his sister. I looked at Dani, she was back to her puzzle with a happy expression on her face, at least that hadn't changed. She glanced up at me and gave me a small smile. How did she do that? How could she look at m face and smile? How could she feel the four jagged scars on her back and even think of tolerating me? She was such a mystery and I didn’t deserve her forgiveness.

Suddenly a chill went over me, like I was dipped in an icy pool. The cold was so intense that it was like a fire, a freezing one that went strait to my heart. I had only felt this way once, when I changed into a half-breed. I clutched my heart and tried to cover the pain showing on my face. "What's wrong?" Dani asked, her face now one of concern.

"I'm fine." I said the words just barley piercing through the strong cold. No you're not, Dani's expression said and she started to get up.

The wave of cold disappeared and I looked at Dani and said clearly, "I'm fine." she still seemed uncertain and stared at me intently with her blue eyes. I looked away, what was happening to me? This had been happening for the past few days and just recently changing into a bear had been difficult. When the humans attacked I couldn’t change until Dani got hurt. I looked down at my hands, they were warm now, not blocks of ice. What was happening to me?

"I curse you that you may know the pain that my kind have endured, may you feel the suffering felt with every tear that has been shed. In the light of all animals, may your true form show and never disappear again from your soul. I curse you..."


Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted. I'm sorry if I don't post very much for awhile, I'm still getting used to the story so far...

I think it's kind of funny that Gray's getting more attention than Dani, my original main character. But hey, as long as people are intrested in him and what I write, I'm happy.

Sorry again for another cliffhanger, they're just too fun.:)

Legend (Kovu)

After the foxcoon left to change back into her human form, I went to see my sister. She was basically fast asleep. Now I didn’t feel so guilty after Seth talked to me. He made me laugh when I was homesick and scared before the others caught up to us. I sat down next to my big sister.

I began thinking about the story Mama told me about Harmony. “According to Legend, the Land of Harmony is an island surrounded in mist,” Mama said.

“And meateating fish? Like parahnas?” I asked.

“Possibly,” Mama said. “No one has ever found Harmony. Those who have said to never returned. Those who have returned were humans, though, a majority of them were killed from hardships. Animals never went there, knowing that it was a dangerous place.”

“Then what about those half breeds that go there?” asked Ana.

“Well, they say that the half breeds disappeared before a killing spree on the humans began,” answered Mama.

“Yuck!” Runo said, sticking her tounge out. “Why don’t you tell us a romantic story?”

“Bleh!” I made a disgusted face. “Romance is for girls with coodies!”

Runo stuck her tounge out at me. I did it back.

“Just because of that, you’re all going to bed without the story being finished!” Mama said harshly. “To sleep! To sleep!” The three of us complained but quickly shutted up once she gave us the scary eye that made her look like the monster that always lived under my bed.

I drifted to sleep before I knew it.



OMG! Sorry Poochy has not been posting in a bit I just was not sure what ta post since Asuka was about to reveal her past....And I've been busy with Warrior fic....


Asuka walked off to go try to turn back into her human form. I wish there was something I could do. "It's getting late lets get some sleep." Sky said. She walked off and curled up as a cat.

I walked over to David and fell asleep next to him with in seconds.

*Sora's Dream*

"I-I don't get it? So theres no such thing as Harmony?" Davids face droped. "Bu-" "But nothing. I tried, Jess tried, and Ben tried." Jack said harshly. "What about you. Do you believe in Harmony Sora?" I thought for a moment. "I really never tried and I don't plan to! I'm happy where I am. Jess, Jack, and Ben are my only family...I couldn't leave them."

David looked away. "So I'm trying to find something that dose not exist?" Ben just nodded.

"Sora? Sora time to wake up..." I opened my eyes to see Sky standing over me. "Ok."

I remembered my dream...I had not believed in Harmony and I still don't...But I don't want to crush Davids dreams again...So I'll play along...

~Sora~ ^o^

Eh sorry for such a lame post ._.' But yha Sora dose not believe there is Harmony.