Welcome to Community Fusion!

(Please Note: This WAS at one point in time a RP, but for reasons, I have closed it. Why would I not just delete the world? Because this rp is filled with memories of my three years on TheOtaku along with all my past and present members. I think it would kill us all to see it all just vanish. It was a fun ride, Community Fusion, and thanks ^^)

Harmony, a place we thought was only in the legends. It was a place where all the half breeds tried to go, to escape the life they lived is, constantly looked down on by the humans. Two years, we looked around the world, we lost some, and gained some, some even gave up along the way believing that such a place didn’t exist. But we made it, we found Harmony. Many of us lived peacefully for a few years, we made lives and were reunited with the ones we thought were lost. All seemed right and in place, until the guardian of Harmony turned up dead.

When we first arrived at the gate of Harmony, we were approached by a beautiful serpent Half Breed. Later, we found she was a god. She was a guardian, one who watched and protected it from those who wished ill on it. We were made aware of what had happened by the god who watched and protected the inside of Harmony. With her dying breath, she sealed the entrance to Harmony.

With this turn of events, we decided to leave, to go back to the human’s world to discover what had become of it. And… What awaited us was a great surprise. Time passes slow in Harmony, while it felt like only a short few years, ten years had passed within the human’s world. Not only that, but all half breeds were forced to be kept by humans. They became nothing more than a servant or pet. Besides that, there were other species. Half breeds who lost their way and became nothing more than a beast, one who mindlessly fights. Cross Breeds, those who were a result of experiments and were a mix of two animals, but just in appearance holding none of the enhanced senses.

All of this… Has become of the Human’s world. Well, there’s no turning back now that the entrance to Harmony was hidden and sealed. All we can do is keep moving forward.

Here's the world where you create your own halfbreed and return to the Human's world after years of a peaceful life in Harmony. Drama, action, and romance, that's what this adventure's all about so don't be afraid to put in a few twists into the mix.

Be sure to post and have fun!


Littlepooch-Leader(Sky Makoto the Cat, Nathan the Black Leopard, Rika Rakesh the Hyena, and Sage Galson the Megalodon.)

XxRaindropsxX-Coleader(Ariel the White Tiger.)

Cair Paravel-Secretary(Lucille Lapin the Rabbit, Rita LeProtto the Border Collie and Eve Royle the White Stag.)

HalfwayVamped-Senior Member(Io the Dragon, Naoki the Lynx, Seth Leavenworth the Dragon.)

GreenLeAfe-Senior Member(Kasumi the Soricid and Tamotsu the Blue Jay.)

Amestar-Senior Member(Abigail the Golden Eagle and Alicia the Snow Leopard.)

Animelover7310-Senior Member(Moon Rakesh the Black Leopard, Luna Rakesh the Snow Leopard, Brooklyn the Lynx and Baffin Island Wolf and Nathan the Black Leopard.)

Balletninja-Senior Member(Jethro the German Shepard.)

ChiyukiChan-Senior Member(Kai Hughes, Ennis Hughes the Human, and Benign Hughes the Field Mouse.)

YamiHita-Senior Member(Shadow Curtis the British Colombian Wolf, Ice the British Colombian Wolf, Kin the Iriomote Cat, Willow the British Columbian Wolf and Tasmanian Devil.)

OnlyAMarionette-Senior Member(Sebastien Charbonneau the Raven and Rhys Hansen the Eastern Brown Snake.)

HanakoAnimeaddict-Senior Member(Claudia Kincaid the Otter, Kari Kincaid the Maine Coon, and Saya the Nene Goose.)

Simplebeast231-(Wesnorth Roley the Titanoboa.)

Kayuki-(Prince Caliber the Red Fox.)

IyamiNaHamusutaa-(Moot the Roborovski Dwarf Hamster.)

Mmmchocolate-(Paloma the Dog.)

Revengeisblood-(Shela the Sheep *suspended*.)

Tutcat-(Raina Blazet the Red Fox.)

Eiri Yuki s Lover-(Alec the Cheetah.)

Shom-(Trent the Monkey.)

Important links!

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I hope ta see some good posts!



"*" Mean it's optional cause this profile ended up kind of long... Your Username: (^^' It's easier for me to remember. Just ...

Read the full post »

Weekly Update~!


:D We finally made it to Harmony~! *happy dances* I mean, it's about time >.>; Anyway, great posts everyone! It was interesting to read all of them :D (sorry for not commenting, I usually copy and past them and read them later.)

Anyway, are people done posting basically? Or did you want, like, another week or something? If you didn't want longer, I'll start working on CF tonight (:

I know you've already read all this crap, but I told you that I would do the full thing at the end~

-The world will shut down for about a week
-You will lose the ability to guest post, as well as see the world while I work on it.
-After I reopen, you'll basically have to rejoin CF (fill out a profile, get it approved, etc.)
-When filling out the profile, have your character change a little :'D Time has passed in Harmony, lets say, three years? While in the real world, ten years have passed (or something like that.)
-Normal members will have a cap of TWO characters, Senior members will have a cap of THREE, and if you honestly want four, you'll have to ask me, but I might say no cause it's very confusing if you have too many.
-Senior members will be updated once you come back (I was going to do that for June, but I decided to wait.
-Would you still be interested in a point system if it was something more than just ranks? Like, to be used as money, and outside of the rp? (ex: Request, buy a thrid OC if you're a normal member, gift, feature, premium member for a month. Hay, I have a little extra money now~ Something over dA if you're there, or lj, or.... I don't know.... Just a though~)

I feel like I have more stuff to tell you... Ah well, you'll figure it out eventually.

Annnndd, now this is a post that I typed awhile ago with ideas.

Hi! Okay, well, I’ve been thinking a lot about the plots and settings for the new CF, and this is what I’ve come up with! Please tell me what you think, or add on to it, or tell me it sounds crazy, or tell me I sound like I’m crazy and on crack o.o

Oh, by the way, a bunch of the ideas were taken from some manga that I’ve been reading ^^U (+Anima, the 9 Lives, and obviously Wolf’s Rain.) And none of the details are final with what’s below. Just some ideas that I wanted to write somewhere for possible plots.

-10 years have passed in the real world
-All half breeds have to know be caged or “owned” by humans (kept as pets basically.)
-The few half breeds that haven’t been captured have adapted to almost eliminating any animal like characteristics.
-All half breeds are required to have some sort of brand that shows they aren’t “illegal”
-The brands usually also show the type of half breed they are (Ex: A bird half breeds would have a feather brand on their shoulder.)
-If they are owned by a human, they will have a collar, tag, something to show they are owned.
-Other half breeds who refuse to accept these rules have become a small rebellion
-A small percentage have gone crazy and become more of an animal than a half breed. They have lost the ability to retain a more human look, reason, speech, things like that, making them very dangerous.
-Other species have developed in this time too.
-A even lesser form that a half breed, one who only has certain animal parts and cannot change into na animal like form and sometimes doesn’t even have some of the senses a normal half breed has. (Ex: A dog one only having a tail and fangs, but none of the enhanced senses.) They despise humans, but even more, seem to despise half breeds.
-Crosses, experiments by creating a half breed that is more than one animal.




I had been judged just as everybody else. I was allowed to pass. I could hardly contain myself and let a a squeal of joy. Thank goodness, I thought I wouldn't be allowed in because I didn't believe in harmony at first.

Anyway, I followed Lucy as she introduced us to her dad. He seemed like a very good person, and it was wonderful seeing Lucy so happy. It was a little bittersweet, seeing her reunited with her father when I was still missing Seth. But not even that could overwhelm them boiling joy that bubbling in my veins.


Grey and I entered Harmony together. As one. This is what we'd been waiting for. But not 3 steps into the haven, he stopped, frozen in place.

"What's wrong Grey?" I asked.

He didn't answer but pointed to a girl making her way over a hill coming toward us.

"Do you know her?" I asked, beginning to get worried.

He cradled his head in his hands and began to tremble.

"I'm sorry!" He whispered over and over. What could be so wrong that he wouldn't even speak to me?! I felt a hand on my shoulder. The mystery woman was gentle pushing me aside.

"Hey wait Lady-"

"Shhh, it's fine," She said to Grey ignoring me. She wrapped her arms around his now crouching figure. His body was shacking and I could hear him crying. This was the most emotional I'd ever seen him. This woman could only be one person.

The Deer Halfer!

"I'm sorry!" Grey repeated again.

"I forgive you." She said everytime.

Grey fell silent, still crouched, but regaining his composure. "Thank you." He said looking past the woman to me. I smiled. Why was he thanking me? "This is the woman I-" he choked on his words. "She transformed me."

"I figured!" I said.

He smiled, "Miss, this is the girl who helped me through it. She helped me accept my fate, and understand my faults. This is Dani."

What an introduction! I grinned and held out my hand, "Hi there."

She smiled and took my hand. I could hardly feel her touch. As soon as she touched me, she started to dissolve. I gasped and grey shouted "WAIT!" reaching out to grab her. It was too late. She was gone.

Just a spirit I guess.

"Well, I believe, we've truly achieved our own harmony now," I said, taking his hand and leading him over to where Io and Lucy were waving us over. It seemed they hadn't seen the Deer Halfer. Oh well, I thought, it wasn't their reconciliation.


*Insert yogi bear quote here*

"So to me, your selling a incomplete package."

Down by the lake with sea serpent, a lazy fall day was coming to it's zenith. The sun high overhead gazed merrily in stripes of gold through the tree. I was sitting along the waters edge playing with my paws in the water, not seeming to give a damn about the subject matter. And the truth, maybe I didn't...

The lady stayed about three feet away in the water, with a smile on her face.

"Happiness at the step of a foot? Bah, there is no such thing."

"So you don't trust what you see with your eyes"

The snake lady pointed to the staircase. It did seem to be shining rather brightly.

I hung my head.

"I've led an interesting life, you know?"

"Ahhh, so you've come to doubt your senses."

"I've come to know that the one who will manipulate them the most will be me."

"But are you smarter for that knowledge?"

"Am I? You seemed to know the others rather well."

"You don't let yourself wander about your past."

"Are you stating a fact, or are you saying you can only read minds?"

"You long ago lost you trust in the world"

"I didn't lose it, the world did."

"Maybe you didn't trust it long enough..."

"Maybe, but then maybe that wasn't blood coming out of those 3 holes in my stomach"

"4 holes"

"I obviously wasn't paying attention at the time."

"Well, maybe you would have noticed the doctor who worked all night to take them out"

"I did notice him"

"And broke his arm when came near you with a knife."

I smiled.

She smiled.

"F*** You"

She stopped smiling.

I then looked her in the eye. I was still smiling.

I think she got the picture I was sending her, because she turned into a large serpent thingy and roared at me.

I lost no ground. Her bitch breath didn't even scare me.

I raised my paw smacked her as hard as I could. She slammed into the water.

“I don’t need your paradise, b****."

She slid into the water and the stairway disappeared.

I walked away, back into the woods. The sun still gleamed down in massive rays of wondrous melted butter. In fact it seemed brighter now, to me.

You may call me stupid, but I have my reasons, that wasn't harmony. It couldn't be, all logic aside. Everything I said and knew aside. I walked into the cave. I had given it up.

It was all a lie then. No one payed attention to the rumors. Harmony, and place Halfers could go to get away from this world. A place where humans...

I bushed a tear from my eye. I started the walk faster. I had to find... I had to...

I brushed past rocks and boulders, my pace picking up...

I knew, oh, I knew that it couldn't be.

I found them and crashing through the last bit of cave and I came upon them at last.

I may have been the last to go, but I was there all along. I found Ennis and Kai.

They both stared at me. Still as a post.

I stepped over and gathered the both of them in my arms, and with one one each side hugged them.

Long have the natives symbolized the bear with the power of the greatest warrior and the peace of the greatest chiefs. But the bear is most defensive of it's own, it's family. The bear is a symbol of great love. I could not leave two behind. I believe I understood the rumors better than the others. harmony was a place of love. To say that a simple sin would transgress that love would be to expose it as perverse.

I held the two tightly, no, these had done nothing wrong.

"Zar... can't...breathe..."

I relaxed and let them down.

Not only had these not done anything but really, to go up anyway would be to say I'm better than them.

This coming from a guy who likes deer heads.


Does he have a point? what do you think?

Btw, Zar's a badass, did you guess?

Forgive me if this is awful....

A/N: I'm rather out-of-it today, but I figured I'd post before I forgot^^' Forgive me if the post is terrible?



"In the end, Harmony will not have a place for humans….”

The woman's words rang in my ears. No, this couldn't be the end. Could it? Had I really come all this way and gone through what I have just to be flatly refused entry to Harmony?

This woman didn't seem like the type to make exceptions though.

Nervously, I turned to Kasumi with a sad smile, "I suppose...this is the end, Kas."

The one eye that I could see widened and then narrowed into the nastiest glare I had ever received. She snarled at me, "What do you mean? This isn't the end. I will carry you into Harmony myself, if I have to!"

I sighed and shook my head, "You heard her. Harmony isn't a place for hu-"

"I'm going to drag you in, Tamotsu," my old friend threatened. This definitely would not end well, especially if the halfer woman heard her.

"Another human?" the woman's voice rang out as she approached us.

Kasumi crossed her arms and growled, "You had better let my friend in, lady."

The woman's eyes narrowed and she spoke rather icily, "And who are you to make demands? Who said that you would even be allowed inside Harmony? You have killed many, have you not, soricid halfbreed?"

"Listen, you!" Kas started to yell, but I cut her off quickly by clamping my hand over her mouth. Then I spoke softly to the woman, "I will leave, if you wish it, but let Kasumi enter. She's not a bad person."

The strange color-shifting eyes turned on me now. "You have also killed. You have killed a halfbreed, human. But it was in defense, was it not?"

I nodded slowly, not trusting my voice for it would surely give away my fear now.

Then the woman did something I did not expect.

She reached down and picked up a shell then filled it with the water from the lake. After doing so, she turned her attention back to me and spoke the words I had waited for so long to hear.

"Drink this and fulfill your wish. But as compensation, you must never kill another, human or halfbreed. If you break this promise, your soul will be split and you will be human again, doomed to wander in that world forever," she told me. Alright, so maybe I hadn't expected the compensation part, but it was close enough.

I bowed my head in silent understanding and then took the shell as she offered it to me. Before I drank, I looked at Kas and smiled. This was it.



I couldn't believe this was happening. It was finally happening! Tamotsu and I would finally be able to enter Harmony. Together.

I grinned back at him as he swallowed the lake water. Then there was a simple flash of light where he stood. When the light vanished, there was a blue jay fluttering where my friend had been standing.

"Kasumi!" he cried with joy as he changed back into his human form, "We did it!"

I hugged him tightly, "You did it, Tamostu-kun. Congrats." Then I pulled back a little to look at him. He was the same as he had been except there were two feathers in his hair and markings on his face.

"You may enter Harmony," said the woman as Tamotsu turned and bowed to show his thanks.

I smiled at my old friend and took his hand, "Here we go."

He nodded and we both crossed over the stones and to the staircase. Before we entered, I turned back and called to Io in particular, "See you on the other side!"

Then we took our first steps into Harmony.


Phew! I got this done^^ Yay Tamo's a halfer now!^^' Cliche? Maybe...oh well! XD

In this post:
the woman
Io (mentioned...sort of)