Shadows- Kasumi and Tamotsu


Well, the party seemed to be going well.

I looked over and saw one of the newbies(the cheetah) pratically go nuts when he saw the food table. in fact, veryone had looked over and were joking around with him. He walked away; probably embarressed.

The leopard followed him to a tree and the two began a conversation.

I wondered if they would join us and come to Harmony.

I bet those two are still hungry but nervous. I didn't want them to go hungry or the food to go to waste, so I decided to bring over some food.

i made up two trays piled with food an walked over to the tree.

"Hey!" I handed them each a tray, "What's up, newbies?" I laughed and helped myself to a peach off the leopard's tray.

I swiftly climbed higher until I sat on a branch above the cheetah. They both stared at me like I was crazy. That, or they wanted me to go away. But I wasn't gointa just leave without some fun!

"What're your names anyway?' I asked as I hung upside down from my branch and munched on my peach.

The cheetah was cautious, "First, what's your name?"

I laughed and munched, "No need to be so cautious! We're all friends here! But fine, my name is Kasumi. I'm a Soricid halfer."

they looked at me in a confused way.

"A Soricid is sorta like a rat and a shrew. It's extinct...well 'cept for me!" I laughed.

"My name's Ace," said the cheetah as he ate some of the food.

"I'm Moon," said the leopard as he, too, helped himself.

"Well it's nice to meet you," I smiled. i noticed Tamotsu looking wearily about himself on the other side of the hill. He looked terribly uneasy.

"I'd better go see what's bugging my friend..." I explained as I jumped out of the tree.



the party was amazing. I couldn't remember every being to a party like this before.

But something was still off.

I stared into the darkness surrounding the hill. there were shadows moving around. Like predators.

I felt uneasy about this. I watched Kasumi take some food over to the new halfers and begin talking with them.

I wanted to enjoy the party, maybe even talk to that hyaenodon about what we would do when they got to Harmony, but the darkness was making me nervous.

A little bit later, Kasumi came to my side.

"What's troubling you, Tamostu-kun?"

"Those shadows...there's definately something there."
