Points updated ^^ And XxraindropsxX you can request something if you want
I'm not really sure when I said the mission would end but I'll end it now ^^'
All right so ya know that its October(-_-' Well I hope anyway...) soooooooo what hollyday is in October? CHRISTMAS! XD *shot*
lol Halloween ^^ sooo onta the mission!
Writeing Mission
-_-' Yeah I can't think of anything so I'm stealing my writeing mission for Cross Academy xD
Do an interview with your OC(s) ^^
Drawing Mission
Draw your OC cosplaying as someone else ^_^ It can be each other or someone from an existing anime/manga.
Hehe thanx for the idea Moonsailor
And this will end at the end of November ^^' >>' Sorry its so long but its easyer to keep track of if it starts when the month starts and ends when it ends. ^______^
Love YaZ~!