I lay under the stars, unable to sleep or even rest.
Stupid Aditi...she was too much of a risk to keep around! Why didn't Kasumi just send her away or beat her in battle?!
Aditi almost got Kasumi killed!
I turned over and saw Kasumi sleeping quietly, the strange puzzle box clipped on her belt.
It was difficult and intricate that puzzle box. The defense mechanisms were so delicate and complex.
I heard noise approaching and lay still, waiting to identify the intruders.
Calmly, I scanned the area and spotted Sky leading four wary halfers into our small camp.
I sat up and approached Sky when I saw the injury on the husky-halfer.
"Sky, need a doctor?" I asked her with a kind smile.
She smiled and replied, "Oh, yes! Thanks, Tamotsu!"
The artic wolf halfer glared warily, "I can't treat one of my own pack without help from you."
A sled-dog halfer sniffed in my direction and growled, "A human?!"
I held up my hands...well, hand (only has one)...and told them, "Whoa! I'm loyal! I wouldn't dare hurt a halfer. I don't have fond memories of humans either."
They glared warily but then a wolf spoke up, "Will you really help Kallick?"
I guessed the husky was Kallik and nodded.
SKy nodded towards me as in approval and I knelt beside the husky.
"Just stay still, and calm," I told the husky with a soothing voice.
Placing my hands over the wound, I realized it was simple but powerful attacks from another dog-like animal that had injured this halfer. No poison which was good.
I reached over and picked up a canteen of clean water which I cleansed the wound with. Then I pulled out bandages and had Sky help me with the wrappings.
Satisfied with my work, I sighed and looked up at the artic wolf, "How well do you know herbs? Could you find pain killers?"
The halfer nodded and left with the one wolf.
Then I heard more noise and looked up.
Moon and Rika entered.
I narrowed my eyes and began to reach for my bow.
"No! Wait!" said Moon, "Rika's not going to hurt you!"
tell me if i got anyone's OCs wrong!