
Maki - I woke up to an ominous feeling. It was unmistakable, and very, very bad. I looked around quietly, and focused my ears for noise. A few people were speaking, I zoned in on one, "No! I wanna fight!" it was Hana. Why would Hana want to fight?? "I feel fine..." I heard her again.

Then, it struck me, my senses spiking. Oh...crap. There was a pack of wolves headed our way. I looked hurriedly in the direction of Hana's voice, she was still talking to Fai about something. If she was going to try to take on a pack of wolves, oh, goodness, that wouldn't end very well, now would it?

I looked over at where Pierce still slept, not stirring. Good. I transformed into a wolf quietly.

I began to sneak over to where Hana was, she was now watching the wolves. I would convince her not to do anything, and hopefully the wolves wouldn't notice we were ever there.

I felt my shyness stop me for a moment; maybe I shouldn't bother Hana, it probably wouldn't be appreciated, and I was just a bother to the group anyway...

Then I heard a splash, and saw Hana fall and hiss at the sudden water. I twitched as the wolves looked over at her, and, since I was behind her, at me.
I began to panic as they stared us down, we were in their hunting territory, and they didn't like it.

Hana cursed quietly, but stood her ground as a few wolves began walking towards us.

I shook my head fiercely and walked slowly, and what I hoped seemed confidently, in front of Hana, facing the wolves, and not missing Hana's slight gasp as she learned I was there.

I growled, and stared at the straying wolves, who were now halted. A dark red male looked over me, then seemed to smirk slightly(as much as a wolf could) and continued forward.

I growled again, this time louder, and held my ground. I was terrified, to be honest, so even if I wanted to speak, I really just couldn't. I could hardly believe I was standing up to them at all...

The male growled in return, sounding oh-so much more confident than myself, and, without warning, lunged at me.

I barely dodged the lunge, looking incredulously at the wolf. That jerk! I couldn't bring myself to take the attack seriously as a threat to my life (like it was intended), so I lunged back, purposefully missing him.

He growled again, this time in annoyance. (Aw, he didn't like games) He attacked me again, this time leaving a deep slice down my front leg(/arm?)
I ignored it and continued to pretend-attack him again, this time, merely distracting him and the others from going any farther.

When bit my other leg open, I had a really bad feeling about the way this battle was headed.

Pierce - I was woken up my a growl. Maki's growl. "Damn!" I cursed, shooting up from where I was laying and sprinting toward the sound. I had heard it before, but only when she felt threatened.

I made it to Maki, and Hana, apparently, just in time to see a wolf bite down on her leg.

I didn't know what was harder to believe, the fact that Maki was fighting, or the fact that she might lose at this rate.

Nonetheless, I was frozen. I could do nothing but watch as the wolf and Maki battled.

