My howl rose into the sky. I couldn't believe what I'd don. I had given Thunder a place in the pack and he'd almost killed all these halfers. I had don that. I shouldn't have let him into the pack. Shadow wouldn't have made that mistake. It was all my fault.
I heard someone approaching me. I whipped around to see Frost. I growled, my ears went flat against my head. "I don't want to fight, Ice." Frost barked in surprise.
My ears pricked up in my own surprise. "Why should I believe you," I growled at him, "You didn't stop Thunder."
"Thunder cot me, no all of us, by surprise," Frost whimpered. "I would have stopped him if I'd known what would happen. At least let me try to make it up to you."
"And how do you want to do that?" I snarled at him.
"There's a fishing village nearby. This group here needs to cross the water right. I doubt the city humans will let them cross in there boats. The village humans will. I can lead this group to the village. Please trust me Ice." Frost explained.
"Okay, fine but one wrong move and your dead," I growled and walked up to Sky. I know she would lesion to me. "Frost told me Thunder, the one who attacked, surprised the pack so they couldn't stop him. He also told me about a fishing village nearby. He said the humans ther may let us cross the water on there boats. I think we can trust him, we were close friends before I left the pack." I told her.
Nanuke arrived back in the clearing at that moment. She saw Frost near the injured timber wolf and the cow. She dropped the herbs she had been holding and turned into her wolf form. She lunched herself at Frost. She landed on Frost and quickly pinned him down without a struggle. "What are you doing?" She snarled in his face.
"I won't fight you Nanuke," Frost muttered under her. Nanuke stepped back in surprise. Frost stud up and slipped away from the two halfers.
I looked at Sky. "I think your right and we can trust his," she said.
I walked home from the archery field. I looked out into the forest. I stepped back in surprise. The wolf pack was right up at the edge of the forest. There was another group with them. It looked like there were humans in that other group. The two groups split apart. As they went defrent ways a black dog raised as a wolf with a white belly looked back at the group approaching the village, barked something, and ran back after the wolf pack.
Ya I got tired of waiting for the story to continue.