I had ALWAYS wanted to go to one of these convention things! They just looked so fun! Though I wasn't a hardcore otaku or anything I still liked being around so many people.
I turned to Dani who was walked beside me, "Aren't you excited?!"
"Oh yeah, this looks like fun! Finally we can relax from all that stupid crap!" She turned to Gray and asked him what he wanted to do. He kinda shrugged and mumbled a reply. But when he looked around, despite the nervous look in his eye, I think he was genuinely happy to be doing something like this.
I hiked the backpack up higher onto my shoulders and picked up the pace.
"Hey Gray," I said
"Remember how angry I got when you told us about your past?" I said shakily.
"Yeah," he said while looking at the ground.
I sighed, it was now or never, "I just wanted to say that, I shouldn't have reacted that way. Not because I feel sorry that I did, which I do, but because it was hypocritical. Seth wasn't born a halfer either."
His eyes widened. Dani looked over from his other side, "What?! No way, how come you didn't tell us?" she shouted.
"Well, it wasn't like your transformation Gray. It was because Apollyon took the form of a dragon, and when he took residence inside a human, they became so interconnected, that they became halfers. So yeah, I guess I should have told you but he never wanted me to so I kept quiet. I'm sorry."
I saw Dani's face of shock and Grays surprise, but I wasn't sad anymore. "I don't mean to sound like a broken record here, but I just thought you should know that. But let's have lots of fun tonight okay? I don't wanna miss a chance like this to let loose and kill time!" Dani immediately perked up. and Gray's expression became unreadable.
"Thanks," he said at an almost inaudible tone.
"Hmm?" I said, i didn't know if I heard him right.
"I am glad you told me, Io, thank you." He said. Once again I could see the genuine happiness in his eyes. Just seeing that expression made me feel so grateful to any god that would hear my prayers. I'm so glad to have meet these friends.
But mushy thoughts were soon pushed aside when we actually entered the festival area. There were all kinds of things, food, games, cosplayers, sports, everything one could imagine. Me being me, I headed straight for a food stand and bough me a huge funnel cake. I scooped up some of the powdered sugar in my hands, walked over to Kasumi, and sprinkled it into her dark hair. It made her look like she had dandruff!
I laughed loudly and just enjoyed the packed atmosphere.
(srry, had to do the last part, because you see, I actually did that to Gem once)