As soon as I had regained my bearings, I shot two arrows at the lion.
They found their marks but didn't hit any vitals because I didn't want to even come close to killing him.
He transformed into his human form and pulled out the arrow in his shoulder, hissing, "How annoying."
Suddenly, Io entered the battlefield and the lion said, "Not another one, can't you fight your own battles?"
She growled and morphed into her terrifying dragon form.
The lion halfer still seemed unimpressed, and morphed back into his beast form.
I ran over to Rika and Moon to check their wounds and see if they were okay while Io took a little one-on-one time with the lion.
I only took a few glances at the battle and Io seemed to have the upperhand, but where could Kasumi be?
Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a black and red streak run by.
Swords were useless, and strength would get me nowhere in this fight.
Oh! Look, Io seemed to have everything under control.
Quietly pondering my options, I absentmindedly swiped my tongue over my blood-red fangs.
Of course! I facepalmed. How could I forget?!
I transformed into my small Soricid form and stretched. Then I took off running towards the fight between Io and lion-boy.
Waiting quietly in the grass until the right moment, I watched the intense battle of the giants.
"You're not bad," growled lion-boy.
io just grinned and took a swipe at the lion with a massive clawed hand.
she connected with her target and sent him through the air, landing on his side.
Aha! I took the oppurtunity and sprinted like lightning towards the lion.
Before he got to his feet, I jumped into his mane and clung tightly.
Almost as soon as I hitched a ride, he got up and went on the defensive against Io.
I knew I would be shaken off soon so I bared my poison fangs and dug into the fur and skin on his neck.
His adreneline must have been really spiked because he took no heed to the pain as I sank my fangs into him.
The poison seeped into his bloodstream well enough, so I released and prepared to jump off.
Then he and Io began to wrestle anad fight again.
Did she even know I was here?!
PS- the poison won't kill Jake, just knock him out^^ (or if you want to prolong the fight, you can have his immune system battle it)
Soricid= rat-like animal