I felt Echo fall into me. I held her, not daring to let go. I let my mind wander back to my past, I remember the stores mom and dad used to tell us and other pups in the pack. Stores about humans getting lost and being saved by packs of wolves, stores about how the world was created. Things I had always thought were true. Why couldn't life be that simple, that wonderful anymore? What had led the hunters to us? I hadn't even known what I looked like as a human before they attacked us, and Echo's pack, they'd been killed right in front of her. What was it about the humans that they could do this type of thing? Not all of them are like that, uncaring and cruel. Tie and Andy saved my life. They let me into there family. What had made changed in some humans that they were so cruel? Why couldn't all life just live in peace? That's what I wanted, peace. That was the resin I wanted to reach Harmony(even if I couldn't), to live in peace.
Shadow and Ice's pack used to share Native American type storys
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