Chat Room Meeting Summery~

There is a CF meeting today that take place in theOtaku chat room~

Name-Community Fusion <-duh, what else would I call it?
Room Topic-Oh you know, this an that~
Time-5:00 PM central time, I will edit this post and the title will be renamed "Chat Room Meeting" letting you know that I will be waiting there.
Things To Discuss-Other story line ideas(orz seriously people, I'm running out of ideas *flaming eyes* but I will not let this place die!!! >3), mission ideas (I'm actually thinking about repeating some missions that I had over last summer unless people have ideas *stares at you*), how to get more members involved. Anything else you would like me to bring up? (even if you don't think you'll be able to be there, please tell me~ ^^U)

So yes, I'm trying to get more people to show this time ^^' Thank you :D


EDIT OTZ Sorry I'm a little late, I kind of sort of fell asleep for awhile XDD Anyway, I'll be in the chat room now ^^


Okay, thank you to the people who were able to make it to the chat room last night ^.^ It was very fun(but random) to talk to you all and to discuss thing(as well as get off topic) with my oh so lovely members~ XD

So this is what I had typed last night. Please add to it or tell me other ideas if you weren't able to make it~

New Plot Ideas

  • Go over seas/to one of the great lakes.
  • A labyrinth where you can only use your human form and if you use your animal form something happens
  • They see Harmony but it disappears at midnight.
  • They go into the labyrinth, and they can't transform. Something happens. So they see harmony, and they're so excited about it, but there's a restriction, you have to be in animal form to get in. then it disappears and they're sad and stuff. So they leave the labyrinth and go over seas, and run into a skiing place.

Summery-We discussed ideas for new plots, got off topic, tried to continue, again got off topic (see, if you attend a chat room meeting for the first time, that is seriously what you should expect~) Discussed other missions and no one really had many in mind... and talked about how to get more members in, never really got that far actually cause we started talking about other things......Yup so that was the around four hour meeting.

A other category? (for wall papers and ecards) <-Do you think this is a good idea? Since I know most members, at least most of them know how to do a ecard or wall paper, but than that leavs some that do not know how to/do not have the program to do it. So I'm not really sure if I should add this part or not, I was just trying to get a viraety in. XP

Mission/contest ideas
How harmony looks

And I know Moon-Chan told you, but again, I'm really sorry that I just disappeared from the meeting oTZ My brother was mad that I was using the internet for a long time and disconected me by taking the air card out of the router so there for, no internet for meh T^T Since I had ended the meeting and we were just randomly there I don't think I missed anything, right?

If you missed this meeting, there is always the next one and I hope to see you there~ ^^


PS ^^U Never assume the chat room meeting is over unless you see this posted edited with the summery cause usually a few people stick around after I ended it and its always really fun xDDD

PSS DX I’ll try and get Isoka-Chan to show at the next meeting because by the time she got on she thought that the meeting had ended even though it hadn’t orz
