
Ennis -

There was a moment where I was just silent. Yeah, yeah, I know what yer all thinkin': 'Go on, Ennis! Yer a free bird, mate! Go on an' run off, git yer self away from that wretch of a brat while we all wave ya off inta th' sunset! Ya don't got any chains yankin' ya down now, right?'

Aw, shut yer little mouths fer once, will ya? I shoved my hands in my pocket after hesitantly rubbing th' scabbed-over welts on m' neck. Glory, they hurt.

I smiled a little as a funny lookin' dude sucked all'a th' poison outta Bird-Boy. Huh...even Poe's pet got a nice ol' happy endin'? Good for 'im, I guessed. The tall funny-looking guy grumbled on about hatin' bein' a hero, and I smirked. He was alright. A modest kinda kid, huh?

I looked around, all'a th' halfers who 'ad been captured...they were all on their way to the center, grinnin' and goin' on 'bout how much they'd missed each other...how much they wanted t' high tail an' git out.

"Ah, shi--" I bit my lip. What would I do? Couldn't go back home...had no home, anymore, I guessed. What was waitin' fer me if I went? An' empty bar full'a people who'd never care? Back alleys with nothin' but blood and memories coatin' th' walls. Betcha everyone 'ad found their future an' planed it out...so what of lil ol' me?

I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets, sighin', and lookin' t' th' silver haired man who'd tried t' kill me, befriend me, and gotten under my skin in only 'bout a few hours. He'd scared th' crap outta me, then gone off an' been th' nicest guy I'd ever met...Alright, the only real nice person I'd ever met. Same difference.

The little girl, Abby, I think was beamin' an' lookin' like she was gonna cry, "Alissa!!" she called out, then ran over to give another girl a hug. Aw, it was th' kinda thing t' warm yer heart, an judgin' by th' look on Cow-boy's face, he agreed.

I looked over at Kai, who, like me, had his hands shoved inta' his pockets, lookin' mighty awkward. I guessed he'd never seen this bunch either. Least he could stay with 'em, I thought jealously, movin' slightly closer to the tall man's side. I wanted t' stay so bad...

Too bad I couldn't. I frowned, looking down, hesitantly walkin' away from Kai and his group. It wasn't my place...I wouldn't bug 'em. I found a nice corner, sittin' down an' watchin' as they talked and started t' file outta the house.

I sensed a giant presence walk up beside me and I didn't look up, "Whaddya want, Nancy?"

I heard him sigh, "Vance. Please. Call me Vance." I shrugged an' he shifted, annoyed. "Why are you sulking, Ennis?"

I shrugged, "Dunno." Don't look over at Kai. He coulda been yer friend, but ignore it. He has friends and don't need no arsehole like you t' mess 'im up, Ennis.

Another sigh. Nancy was gonna get inta a habit if he kept hangin' 'round me. Bad fer his temper. "Ennis..."

"Nancy..." I mimicked bitterly.

"Ennis, I think you should go with them if you're going to pout like that, you're such a little kid: you know what you want, but you wont ever reach for it."

I shrugged, "Meebe I am, Nancy." I pouted, glaring at th' floor, "Whatzit t' you?"

He growled, exasperated, "What's it to me, Ennis? Why do you have to be such a--"

"Hey! What're you two doing over there?" a suspicious voice snapped, and I was 'bout t' worry, but when I looked up, I saw the funny lookin' guy and wasn't too worried anymore.

I snorted, "Plottin' t' bomb th' panhandle--talkin', genius! Whaddya think?" I rolled my eyes: silly funny lookin' mate.

He raised an eyebrow, "Well get out. Your master is leaving with us so you can go on and do whatever it is people like you do." he gave us a look before turning around again.

I sighed, gettin' up and lookin' 'round. Tha' was my cue t' leave, I guessed. "Aight, aight, I'll be off then..." I muttered to myself, headin' for the door.

"Whoa, whoa, wait!" a hand on my shoulder stopped me suddenly. I turned around t' see Kai, lookin' at me like I was crazy. "Where d'you think you're going?"

I shrugged, trying not to look as surprised as I was, "Uhh, I dunno, mate. Was gonna find out on th' way."

He grinned, "Great, then you've figured it out." he dragged me over to the crowd, and I was reminded again of just how strong he was. "You're coming with us, then, Red!" He hesitated for a minute, then let go of my shoulder quickly. Smilin' like a maniac.

"...What? Ya want...me t' join ya, mate? Ah, er, no--I mean, um, nah, not that I don't want to, but, um, I doubt I would be heartily welcomed in this ol' group, 'ey?" I laughed awkwardly, tryin' not to stutter like 'n idiot. I forced down my blush and steadied m' voice, okay, En, answer like an educated guy would, "I mean...If ya want me to, I will." Damn, there's that blush.

Kai didn't hesitate to put a hand on my shoulder gently, grinnin', "Hah! Of course I want you to, Red! Come on!" and suddenly everyone was leavin'.

I breathed out unsteadily as I looked back at Nancy, who was grinnin' like mad. He gave me a wink and mouthed, "Good luck, kid" I nodded barely and fell into step with my future.



Mentoned in the post:

