First off, since YMY has quit, I adopted her character Ben. I've changed up his profile a smidge. So here it is!
Your Username: HalfwayVamped (HV, Half 'n' Half, Sarah)
Name: Benjamin Collins
Nickname: Ben, benny, and for those who want to be annoying: benny-boo
Type of Animal: Secretary Bird Click Here For Pics and Info
What They Look Like In Animal Form: The bird is basically dove-grey in color, with black on the wings, thighs and elongated central tail feathers. The short, down-curved bill is backed by an area of bare, red and yellow skin. The Secretary bird stands three feet high.
Age: 17
Birthdate: 7/09
Eye Color: bright green
Gender: male
Hair Style: Have you seen sasuke? sorta like that
Hair Color: White/grey/black
Full Outfit: White shirt with black long sleeves. Black jeans and black sneakers
Tails, Ears, Claws, etc?: A black feather in his hair tha hangs by his ear
Weapon: Pointed beak, yeah, he'll peck out ur inards. run.
Personality: Defensive and carries a grudges, but has a soft spot for a cute girl. When you're on he's good side, he loves to have fun
Interests: girls, skate-boarding(when he can find a skatboard), and traveling
Dislikes: potatoes, sour-pusses, know it alls, brats, girly girls, feeling useless or un-needed
Fears: His moto is "no fear"
Past: more on that l8r
Relationships/Crush: Asuka, has lingering feelings for Io from a past relationship(who the heck knows if that'll ever get explained *eyeroll*)
Family: They all live back in a city somewhere
Friends: Jess, David(that ok, i mean they did live together...), sora, Asuka, Io
Reference Picture?: not yet, soon I hope
Looking about, I couldn't seem to spot Asuka or Ariel. I did however see a few of their friends, and Io.
"Yo!" I called, walking over, "You seen Asuka?"
The four looked up, distracted.
The rabbit chick shook her head and Io answered, "Nope."
"Do you know how long we've been on this journey, Ben?" Dani asked.
"I've been her for about 3 weeks. why?"
"No, not how long you've been here, how long has it been since we were in the mountains where you left?" Dani specified.
"Oh... Uhhh, that was right after found that squirt, right?"
Io, who looked unhappy about my disrespect for her late lover, answered, "Yes Ben, could you just answer the ques-" She abrubpty cut off her words, her face drained of color. She bent over and threw up. Since none of us had eaten in a while, there wasn't much to lose. I'd guess it was just some spit or something. Which was kind of nasty.
"Are you ok?" A worried chorus of four asked, myself included.
"Do I look fine?" she snapped. Standing back up, she said, "Sorry, just not feeling well. Anyway, how long have we been journeying?"
I thought for a moment. "You joined this group about four months ago."
She closed her eyes and looked deep in thought.
"I do think we are close Lucy." I heard the quiet guy say. Trying to take the younger girl's mind off the trouble.
She nodded, looked determined, but I didn't pay much attention to anything they said next.
"Ben!" I heard a voice shout. Imediatly, I looked over my shoulder and saw Asuka.
"I gotta go guys. I hope you feel better Io. Keep an eye on her." I felt kind of weird issuing an order like that to a few strangers, but whatever. And off I ran to meet Asuka. Please be okay, I begged silently.
dum da da!
used: Ben, Lucy, Dani, Gray, Io, Asuka