His name was...Shadow?

I glanced back at Alec as we made our way to the front of the house. It made me a bit more settled to have him here, another halfer and all.

As I opened the back door I came face to face with Tie. His brown hair, even with his chin was more disheveled then usual and his yellow-green had a slightly dead look. Even though he acted as if he was by no means worried, every time Andy came back with no news of their sun he got like this.

"Hi Tie, you okay?" I smiled lightly. I knew he needed to be comforted.

"I'm fine Will, could you go get your bedding, I need to do our bed." Tie gave me a dry smile back as he continued to the wood pile.

Alec stared after him. "Is he always like that?"

"No, he's just kinda sad now. Anyway, come on." I darted on down the hall and to the stares.

As we reached the laundry room I grabbed my now dry and freshly cleaned.

"What, you have to work to?" Alec asked as I shot him a smile.

"No, these are mine. I made a real mess of them so I did them." with that said I headed off to my room. Alec stared as I carefully made my bed.

"Will, you hear yet?" Andy called up the stares.

I shot Alec a smile. "Yes, what is it?"

"Did you catch him?"

I smiled again, "Yep!"

"Kay, I'm coming up," she yelled. Just moments later she was on my bed looking at Alec. "Okay, as it would be wrong on many levels to have you sleep in here with Willow, and she has already taken the guest room...I'm sad to say it, but we're going to put you in Shadow's room." 

I froze and stared at Andy. Why hadn't I ever asked her son's name? I knew the name Shadow all to well.

"This way," Andy led the way to the disused bed room. "Sorry if it isn't to your liking."

Alec walked into the room brushing his hand over the red comforter and glancing at the posters and electronics. "You're sure I can stay in this room?"

"As much as I want to keep this room open for him, yes it is." Andy shot Alec a small smile, "and even I am starting to loose hope of finding him."
well it had to end somewhere
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