"Shuuji?" I called into the big house.
"We're up here." My brother's deep voice sounded muffled from his room on the second floor. I trudged up the stairs, really just wanting to curl up for a nap. I stood outside his door and knocked, not wanting to walk in on Athena naked or something. I shuddered at the thought.
"Come in," a sleepy voice answered. I pushed open the door and walked in.
"Hey Naoki," Shuuji said, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "What's up?" I looked to the bed he sat on and saw athena, curled into a ball at his side - a lynx. My brother's hand slowly ran down her flyaway fur.
"Miss I's leaving the city." I decided to get right to the point.
"What? Why?" he sounded panicked and worried.
"Says she's got to go back to help the others et to harmony."
"And the baby?"
"Well that's what she wanted me to ask… Could you and Athena take care of her?"
He thought for a moment and nudged his wife awake. Her sleepy purr faded as she morphed, holding a sheet over her bare chest. I could help but blush. "What's…wrong?" she asked through a yawn.
"Io is leaving for a bit and wants to know if we can take in Toki for a while. What do you say?" Shuuji didn't tell Athena that Io was going back to the human world. I wondered why.
I had no doubt that Athena would agree. She had always wanted a child and she was also friendly with the dragon halfer. "Of course! I'm sure she'll be thrilled to spend so much time with you too, Nao."
I squirmed under her warm gaze. "That's the other problem…" I said tentatively.
"Problem?" The couple said in unison.
"I want to go with her."
Shuuji's jaw dropped but Athena just smiled. "Of course you do." She said. "Every boy wants to go on an adventure."
"No, out of the question." Shuuji commanded.
I got a bit annoyed. Shuuji may have been my brother and I respected his opinion but I could make my own choices. I shook my head, "Sorry Shuu-chan. I have to go."
"Have to?"
"I think he just want's to protect his secret love," Athena joked. "You know, win the Lady's heart! how romantic… WHY AREN'T YOU THAT CUTE?!" I blushed. I was not at all interested in that sort of thing. I just wanted to go. I wasn't even sure why… "C'mon pickle-puss you were a kid once. Let him go."
I looked to Shuuji for his answer, though I'd go whether he consented or not. He gave me a hard stare and then nodded.
Thankfully they didn't ask any more questions. I went off to bed and had trouble falling asleep for I could only think of the consequences that would follow this decision.
did that make enough sense?
bah nao needs a BF in this world :T
(sorry nao, your alone!!)
id say continue but none of you know nao and he nows none of the others yet so this is just one of those random posts thats just there to help you understand my characters!
(and i don't wanna count how many times my comp corrects nao to nap and naoki to naomi. seriously!)