
I stared in utter shock as Dani introduced her friend Gray. More half breeds! How many more would there be? I wondered how many more there would be out in the world. Obviously a lot more than anyone of us had thought.

"Nice to meet you," Gray nodded quietly. He seemed to have a guilty countanance when he looked at Dani. What was that all about?

"Ya same. It's nice to meet you," Asuka smiled politely.

"Ya. Nice too meet you. Come on, Sky and the others will want to meet you two," I said as I quickly paid for the supplies. I pulled Dani, Gray, and Asuka behind me as we went out onto the street.

I could still catch Sky's scent and I led the others after it at a walk. They'd wait for us.

"So, why will the others want to meet me and Gray?" Dani asked.

"The others are all half breeds as well, and we are getting away from this place and going to Harmony," I explained.

"Harmony," she seemed to test the world on her lips. "I like the sound of that!"
