Complete awesomeness is awesome! Basically I'm going to post COMPLETELY random stuff here, (yeah, that includes stupid things that happen in my everyday life), and ya'll will be able to read them!!! So, if you don't like random stuff, I suggest you go and find a DIFFERENT world to hang out on. :) Love ya'll!!!!! ~Balletninja ^,...,^

I'm Back!

Hey guys, ive been off the site for forever! But I'm back!!!!

I'd sum up my life for ya'll but that would take too long.... .I've been great, so how are all of you?? :)

I believe that some people need to learn to have manners..... Someone wrote something to me, and it really hurt my feelings! I'm not sure why they said it, they just did..... I would really like an explanation for that!

Anywhos, I'm glad to be back, and I love you all!

Ninja out! >:D

~*~ Balletninja

Hey Y'all!!!!!!

Hey!!!!!! I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, I've been busy!

So, rookie camp for band started Monday! it went awesome!!!! I love my section, they've nicknamed me "buttercup".

Also, on Wednesday night I went swimming at a friend's house, and I did a flip under water. Thing is, the water was shallower than I thought, and I bumped my head!!! So guess which honors student got a concussion?????? I did!!!!!! :D It wasn't serious, just a little mild one..... but the doctor told me I'm gonna feel really bad for a while after! Which SUCKS!


Don't you love the class of some people?? Back in the Real World, these people kicked me out of a club, WITHOUT TELLING ME!!!! I'm a little miffed, to be honest. Its like, if you had the guts to kick me out, why didn't you have the balls to tell me? Geez, they're so full of it. I just wish we could've cleared up any misunderstanding(s) that might've occurred.... I mean, if there's a problem, I'd like to talk about it and see whats wrong.

End of Rant Time

So anyways, I KNOW there have to be SOME Harry Potter fans out there, reading this!!!!! My sister and I have started a RP, called Hogwarts School. Its really, really interesting, and we'd LOVE to have some more members! So please, please, please check it out! :D Follow the link below to Apparate to the World!

Click here to Apparate! ^^

So, that's all I have to say!

I'll talk to you later! Hugs and Kisses!

~*~ Balletninja

New RP????

Hey! How is everybody??? I hope everything is fine and dandy in your lives right now! I am considering making a RP, but I wanna get people's comments before I actually create the world and such.

Shamrock Academy

Shamrock Academy is an academy for those who are wishful thinkers, or who bear wild imaginations. We recruit them as they enter high school (9th-12th grade), and hold them until they graduate. At the school, they take many different courses. This RP will focus on the dorms, the classrooms, the relationships; basically the everyday lives of a teenager. However, it also focuses on the experimental side of the academy.

students transform into classic fairy tale creatures as they enter the school. (This includes faires, pixies, elves, sprites, dwarfs, goblins, gnomes; heck you can be a dragon, pegasus, or flippin unicorn halfer if you'd like.) THese transformations usually occur during the first two or three nights a student is within the academy borders.

The students who attend here are used as guinea pigs for different science experiments. These are conducted in a variety of ways, from shots, to "medication", to spiking people's drinks.

Also, throughout the school year, groups of students will be sent out on missions, especially assigned by the headmaster.

Caution: This RP may contain slightly insane people, talking animals, and pure awesomness.

So, please leave your opinions in the comment box!!! I'd appreciate it!!!

~*~ Balletninja

Oh! If anyone can think of a better title for this RP, please tell me. I suck at naming things. *shot*

Guilt trip

Geeeeez! So, I spent the night with my friend Saturday night. And she was looking through my contacts, and saw a guy that she went out with and she HATES him now. We're gonna call this guy Bob (yeah, classic name). And let me tell you, he is a PLAYER, and seriously desperate. I think he'll go out with anything with legs.

So My friend decides to play a prank on him from MY phone. I'm okay with this at the time. She starts it off with "hey, will you go out with me?" and then it went back and forth about if it was really me. And then he went to sleep.

So Sunday morning comes around, and it gets to questions like "what do you like about me?" and "why didn't you tell me earlier?" and then he started getting ticked because I "didn't really know him" and that I should "get to know him before I ask him out". Like, he was asking me what religion he was and stuff!

Note: this is the high schooler who asked me out on my bday when I turned 13.... We had known each other for 2 weeks.

And then my friend told him that it was her, and he got ticked all over again. So he ignored us the rest of the day, until he texted me a couple minutes ago. Our convo went like this:

Him: why?

Me: why what?

Him: did you do that.

Me: I didn't do it. She did. Why did I let her? I'm not sure. I really don't know. I shouldn't have let her use my phone, but what's the past is the past, and there's nothing I can do but apologize for both of our actions. So im sorry. And she apologized earlier.

Him: Idc.

Me: What, about the fact I apologized? I mean, I'm sorry I have ticked you off with my actions and all..... What else do you want me to do?

Him: I want you to understand how immature it was

Me: I get that! I've already apologized! If you don't want to accept it, that's fine with me! Either way, I'm not gonna put my dog in this battle. I'm not gonna fight you about this, I'm really not. It was immature,I'll say it myself! I, Balletninja, was extremely inconsiderate and immature to you, Bob, and your feelings.

Him: thank you

Me: you're welcome

And that was the end of the convo! I get where he's coming from, but shouldn't he take it up with the person who did it? Now I feel like I'm in the wrong, when I didn't do anything horribly wrong! And even then, he shouldn't be chewing me out at 12:15 am!!!

Opinions please!!!

~*~ Balletninja

New World!

Hey! I have a new world up! Its for all my different writings I do. :D Awesome, right?! I know!!! :D Hahahahhahahaha! Its open to everyone, so please go check it out!!! I'd really appreciate any feedback!

~*~ Balletninja