It snowed today!!!!!! I was so happy!!! Down where I live, we barely EVER get snow!!! Yeah, I had an awesome time. :) Like, I had a snowball fight with a couple other people, and then I went over to a friend's house after. But I assumed that my parents KNEW that I was outside, and if I wasn't I would be at this other person's house. I mean, its extremely obvious, right? its not like I'd go and prostitute myself or anything. :/ But my dad called me bout 7:30p.m., and was all like, "Where are you?!" BUT i was already on my way home.
So THEN I get home, and of course I go straight up to my bedroom. Oh! And we have this "No laptops in your bed." rule going on, but dude, where ELSE am I supposed to sit with my laptop?! Its not like I ENJOY sitting on my bedroom floor all day. But I do this thing where I kinda make a tent around my bed (I have a bunk and share with my big sis). I mean, I've been doing it for a really long time, because it blocks out some of the bedroom's lights, and it also helps block lightning when its storming. Oh! And I can also use my laptop in my bed without being yelled at.
Anyways, since I was gone all day, it appears that BOTH my parents decided that they were going to come say goodnight to me. I appreciate the thought, but I don't like them in my bedroom. I don't know why, but I just don't! ARGH! And my mum was all like, "Goodnight, invisible child!" (If you're wondering why she calls me that its because I'm a really outgoing, social-butterfly type, but not at home! I hide in my bedroom all day, either sleeping, reading, being on my laptop or playing my DS, I also might be at a friend's house. Thus, I'm the invisible child because I never show my face.) and then my dad comes in about 10 minutes later. "Monster, why do you have a sheet up?" I closed the laptop just in the knick of time. -_-' Anyways, I was like, "I'm... reading!" And he was like, "But whats with the sheet", and I'm like, "I enjoy reading in the dark," and hes all like, "Its bad for your I eyes," Its like, I know, I know!
I almost gave him a really smart alack-y answer. You don't KNOW how bad I just wanted to say "Oh, I'm pretending to be from Harry Potter. Whats it to ya?" But I didn't, cause then my butt would be grounded.
Oh! I've been writing something, and I really want ya'll to be able to read it, but I'm kinda scared that someone is going to steal it!!!! D: What should I do?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~*~ Balletninja