Pants meme!!! (Stolen from HB32)

Tag that I stole... From everybody :DD

Put your playlist on shuffle.
◦When you get your song title, add "in my pants" after the song.
◦Do this 20 times.
◦Tag at least 5 friends who might enjoy doing the game.

1. The Phantom of the Opera in my pants (Woah! No, no, no! D:)
2. Belle in my pants (Uhhhhhhh....... O.o')
3. Just Dance in my pants (Yeah, how bout you don't?)
4. We're Dancing in my pants (Well, does dancing while wearing my pants count??)
5. Disturbia in my pants (Dude, I love the song, but not in my pants!!! -_-')
6. Ring of Fire in my pants (Stop, drop, and roll!!!)
7. Cosmic girl in my pants (Ahh! Get out of my pants you freak!)
8. I'll Make a Man Outta You in my pants (dude, lets not go there!)
9. Hey There Delilah in my pants (No, Delilah, I don't want you in my pants. Leave)
10. Born to Be Wild in my pants (WOAH! NO! HECK NO!)
11. Bad Reputation in my pants (Oh good gosh....... -_-')
12. If I Was the One in my pants (I wear my pants, so I'm already the one in them.)
13. Canned Heat in my pants (Uh.....?)
14. Gaston in my pants (Gaston, you stalker! Remove yourself from my pants, conceited jerk.)
15. Pocketful of Sunshine in my pants (I have sunshine in my pockets of my pants... Ok)
16. Shut Up and Drive in my pants (Uh... I don't know if my pants will fit you, but here. *Hands pants*)
17. I Stand in my pants (Why yes, I do stand while I'm wearing my pants.)
18. The Sweet Escape in my pants (Um..... uh..... yeah.... no comment....? O.o')
19. Angel of Music in my pants (Dude, why is there an angel in my pants?)
20. Animal in my pants (Get outta my pants!!!!!!)

Okay! That was uh... interesting..... (Thoroughly freaked out) So yeah, have fun seeing whats in your pants!

~*~ Balletninja
