Blade/EmptySound/Tewoeklon/The Catalyst

Greetings and Salutations! X3

Please check what's what with the story you like!! I would also love any comments or messages you can give me! Feedback, critique, love-hate, questions, thoughts, ...whatever!! I just need some reasurance that people are reading my stories and actually, you know, come back for more!! PLEASE PLEASE!! T^T I NEED to know!! *begs on bended knee*

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I love all the people who have upped my world's views!! I hope that means many people are going and reading ^-^ Any type of indication that you are a reader would be very nice, really. I am a person who persecutes oneself, any love from you would mean more than you could possibly know!! THANK YOU MY PEOPLE! I hope you are readers and fans and not accidental viewers 0-o

STORIES ARE CURRENTLY ON HIATUS!!!!! In order to help myself at writing and plot development i have chosen to pause my stories, and have started writing two Fanfics. Hopefully they will train me to get better at plot development and structural flow. ^-^ Apologies to anyone who may have cared!!
-Blade is forever discontinued: no old chapters up. X
-Empty Sound is being revamped and rewritten until a time currently unknown.
-Tewoeklon: Nothing new yet, chapter is being written. OH HIATUS!
-The Catalyst: Nothing new yet, chapter is being written. ON HIATUS!

///// Blade has been officially discontinued. X Sorry to those who cared! (you two or three..T^T)

///// Empty Sound is going to be re-written; I will also not only be re-writting the story but re-vamping it completely! (HA...pun ^-^) Over the hiatus i simply found myself thinking of so many inconsistantcies with the old idea, plus several areas that would confuse readers yet again (one of Blade's downfalls, in my opinion). I really love the new concept though, it's deeper and more interesting i think, as well as a bit older than the original which i believe will help bring the darker aspects across. Anyways, I began thinking too, that perhaps one day after I have started the story again, I may put the old chapters I wrote up somewhere to be seen in case anyone wants to read a bit of the old version. ^-^

///// Tewoeklon has been sitting in purgatory like all my work, but this one has been especially cruel to me lately. While it's true that i DID have a breakthrough like this once said, it is ALSO true that i have not yet figured out how to fix my screwed up latest chapter and force it to go along with what i want to happen. Sigh T-T ON HIATUS! Possible rewrites for added detail.

///// The Catalyst while updated to show four chapters currently unknown to you all has been just as slow whilest i stew in my woeful pit of sadness and solitude. Things are fine really with the story right now, i have yet to finish typing up the current set of storylining that i have thought up already. However i have yet to get back to typing it. OH HIATUS! Really searching for a hands on beta to assist, anyone interested????

IMPORTANT...ish: As stated earlier, i have chosen to go on hiatus for a little while. I don't know how long it will be, but hopefully the time gone will help for my return. In this time i will be working on two Fanfictions of the pairing Sesshoumaru and Kagome of InuYasha. My crack OTP. ^ 3^ Hopefully this will help me out and i can come back with renewed vigor and abilities!

I am still wishing and praying strongly for someone who will help with edits and be my personal backboard. My friend simply won't do, even if she recently got Word, she simply doesn't put the time or care into it like i do and it's to painful to think on how she won't even try. If there is anyone out there interested, i would love to hear from you!!

Thanks to those who actually like or care about my work. I'm sure despite the "seemingly large" amount of page views is not even remotely equivalent to the views of relevance i truely recieve.

Current Status of Works:

Chapter One: Complete--posted on fictionpress and Blade world
Chapter Two: Complete--posted on fictionpress and Blade world
Chapter Three: Complete--posted on fictionpress and Blade world
Chapter Four: Complete--posted on fictionpress and Blade world
Chapter Five: Complete--posted on fictionpress
Chapter Six: Complete--posted on fictionpress
Chapter Seven: Complete--posted on fictionpress
Chapter Eight: Complete--posted on fictionpress
Chapter Nine: In-Progress--written, never posted X
Chapter Ten: In-Progress--half written on paper, never finished/typed/or posted X


Tewoeklon OH HIATUS!
Chapter One: Complete--posted on fictionpress and Tewoeklon world
Chapter Two: Complete--posted on fictionpress and Tewoeklon world
Chapter Three: Complete--posted on fictionpress and Tewoeklon world
Chapter Four: Complete--posted on fictionpress and Tewoeklon world
Chapter Five: Complete--posted on fictionpress and Tewoeklon world
Chapter Six: Complete-- posted on fictionpress and Tewoeklon world
Chapter Seven: In-Progress--being rewritten

The Catalyst OH HIATUS!
Prologue: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter One: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Two: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Three: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Four: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Five: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Six: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Seven: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Eight: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Nine: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Ten: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Eleven: Complete--posted on fictionpress and The Catalyst world
Chapter Twelve: In-Progress--complete; being edited
Chapter Thirteen: In-Progress--complete; being edited
Chapter Fourteen: In-Progress--complete; being edited
Chapter Fifteen: In-Progress--being written
