Dream, 10/08-09/08

Mmm...Rishi's first DREAM post.

Rishi was dreaming that Rishi was at school, and Rishi had to wear an Elmo dipar for some odd reason. Rishi went home and watched the neighbors running around their house, 'cuz they were having guests. Rishi went inside, and Rishi sat down and talked on the phone with Squeechan. Squeechan said 'Congradulations on the promotion' and Rishi said 'Wait, what?'.

Squeechan said 'You're an Otaku Legend! Didn't you get the PM?'

Rishi thought No...Rishi must be dreaming. Rishi's never gonna become an OtakuLegend.

And then Rishi woke up. (Rishi woke herself up! XD)

That's all for today~!

