Deadline: July 25
About: Draw a Naruto character dressed up in another Naruto character's clothes or another anime characters clothes. Your entry must be colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Erstin314
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Submit an entry for the Top Ten list. The entry should be a witty, funny, and humorous line related to this topic: "Top Ten Things I've Learned from". The ten lines that brings the most laughter becomes part of the Top Ten list to be submitted in the Fan Words section. The Top Ten list will serve as a "members' gift" for the upcoming anniversary of later this month.
Category: Fan Words
Held by: The Mask
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Do you have what it takes to be the next Pokemon master? Draw yourself as a Pokemon character with at least 2 or 3 Pokemon in the pic. Colored? Optional but is preferred. You have to draw yourself with the Pokemon and tell what Pokemon you drew. If possible also tell which region it's from. Sorry, but no original Pokemon.
Category: Fanart
Held by: LunaLei
Click for more information
Deadline: July 26
About: Draw your favorite anime couple or draw yourself with your anime crush.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Animelover7310
Click for more information
Deadline: July 27
About: Draw a comic or a picture. The theme and what you draw is up to you - you can draw anything.
Category: Fanart, comic
Held by: narutoKHfighter
Click for more information
Deadline: July 29
About: Draw your original character in the form of your favorite animal. In other words, draw an animal and add the clothes, hair color, eye color, accessories, etc of your original oc. Furthermore, you must give him/her special powers which your oc does not originally have. An example entry can be found here.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Soloo
Click for more information
Deadline: July 31
About: TheO's Official Contest: draw the mascot Bossman Cupcake who will 'represent' Adam's games. A pixelated version of the Bossman Cupcake can be found here. The Bossman Cupcake is a warrior, he is wise and battle-hardened, he is not silly in any way and the inspiration for the colors is from the movie Braveheart. You can interpret the character however you like, in terms of if the character has any accessories/clothes/expressions/etc. or you can leave it as it is. Tag your entry with 'bossman cupcake'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Adam
Click for more information
Deadline: July 31
About: Draw yourself drawing the picture of yourself drawing yourself. (Confusing? Yeah, just ask FUNimation questions if you need to.)
Category: Fanart
Held by: FUNimation
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: Draw yourself in anime form. Your entry must be hand drawn, colored and you can be the only person in it and it must look casual (sexy, pretty, kawaii....etc). Include your name and age in the description.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Leeluver1
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: Draw any of your original characters and you, or just your original OC(s), going some place for the summer. Must contain an OC, and be tagged as 'Summer Contest'. Multiple prizes given even if you don't win a place.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Karen Nobody
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: Draw anything original, categories are:
~ANY anime/ manga fan art
~Personal Work
~Other (may include from, video games, music, ect...)
Category: Fanart
Held by: JBXKS
Click for more information
Deadline: August 3
About: Coloring contest. Color one or both of the two line arts provided. Accepting both digital and traditional art. Judging by quality and color scheme. The two line arts can be found here and here. Tag your entry with 'dreamscoloringcontest' and/or pm her with the link to your entry (the size of the line arts are too small to be uploaded at theO if you do not add white space).
Category: Fanart
Held by: Obscure Dream
Click for more information
Deadline: August 8
About: draw any anime/manga character in the real world. An example can be found here.
Held by:Kima75
Click for more information
Deadline: August 10
About: Draw Bluesen12's OC Jim as cute or as sexy as you can. A colored entry is prefered. You can either draw him as a young person or as a somewhat older person. The references can be found here(older) and here (younger).
Category: Fanart
Held by: Bluesen12

Deadline: August 16
About: The subject of this contest are waywardwarrior's original characters. You can find the original characters in his gallery (not included: chibi's) and they are mentioned in his description of his contest - 'click for more information'. Don't forget to tag your entry with 'waywardcontest2'.
Category: Fan Art, Fan Manga, Wallpapers and Fan Fiction
Held by: waywardwarrior
Click for more information
Deadline: August 16
About: The basic idea is to create the most Mary-Sue-ish Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu. A Mary-Sue is basically a fictional character who plays a dominating role in a plot and he or she is usually very unrealistic due to the characters' traits. The entry can be for any fandom and anime. It can be in a fan art or comic form. Make sure to explain all about the Mary-Sue: her past, how many people fall in love with her exactly how "wonderful" she is.
Category: Fanart, Comics
Held by: Midnightqueen
Click for more information
Deadline: August 16
About: Draw a fantasy creature.
Category: Fanart
Held by: SaxGirl
Click for more information
Deadline: Aug 20
About: Design a pokemon which resembles you in some sort of way. You have to name the pokemon and it must have basic profile information such as the type of pokemon, height, gender, weight, ability, habitat, etc. Tag your entry with 'Sakura kokoro contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Sakura Kokoro
Click for more information
Deadline: August 28
About: Draw you kissing your favorite character from Naruto. The kiss can either be on the lips or the cheek. It's preferred to have the entry hand drawn and colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Narutoluver1
Click for more information
Deadline: August 30
About: Drawing or write anything KittyKoma related. It can be any category as long as it has to do with KittyKoma. Make something about her characters, her comics, or her in general (i.e. how amazing she is, etc. ;]). Be creative! Tag as: KOMA CONTEST
Category: Fanart
Held by: KittyKoma
Click for more information
Deadline: August 30
About: Draw one of jeweloflife's original characters. Her OC's can be found in her gallery and her comics. You can also pm her to ask her about her OCs.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Jeweloflife
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw at least one of your own OCs with one of Clozimodo's OCs. The two must interact with each other in some sort of way. Two OCs from Clozimodo can be found here and here. You'll have to ask her for information if you're interested in any of her other OCs. Tag your entry with 'Clozimodo' and 'Clozimodo's contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Clozimodo
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw the female samurai group called 'Bushin Geisha' how you think they look. The description of the female samurai group can be found in the introduction here under the title Bushin Geisha.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Markus Wolfe
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw something Final Fantasy related. Only members of the Final Fantasy Fanclub can enter. You can become a member by pming Yurahime.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Yurahime
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw your own original Jinchuuriki character or draw your own original Akatsuki character. If you want the Jinchuuriki to have tails, you can pick from 6,7, 8 or 10 tails or more.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Ami the Eldest
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Draw a Naruto character dressed up in another Naruto character's clothes or another anime characters clothes. Your entry must be colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Erstin314
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Submit an entry for the Top Ten list. The entry should be a witty, funny, and humorous line related to this topic: "Top Ten Things I've Learned from". The ten lines that brings the most laughter becomes part of the Top Ten list to be submitted in the Fan Words section. The Top Ten list will serve as a "members' gift" for the upcoming anniversary of later this month.
Category: Fan Words
Held by: The Mask
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Do you have what it takes to be the next Pokemon master? Draw yourself as a Pokemon character with at least 2 or 3 Pokemon in the pic. Colored? Optional but is preferred. You have to draw yourself with the Pokemon and tell what Pokemon you drew. If possible also tell which region it's from. Sorry, but no original Pokemon.
Category: Fanart
Held by: LunaLei
Click for more information
Deadline: July 26
About: Draw your favorite anime couple or draw yourself with your anime crush.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Animelover7310
Click for more information
Deadline: July 27
About: Draw a comic or a picture. The theme and what you draw is up to you - you can draw anything.
Category: Fanart, comic
Held by: narutoKHfighter
Click for more information
Deadline: July 29
About: Draw your original character in the form of your favorite animal. In other words, draw an animal and add the clothes, hair color, eye color, accessories, etc of your original oc. Furthermore, you must give him/her special powers which your oc does not originally have. An example entry can be found here.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Soloo
Click for more information
Deadline: July 31
About: TheO's Official Contest: draw the mascot Bossman Cupcake who will 'represent' Adam's games. A pixelated version of the Bossman Cupcake can be found here. The Bossman Cupcake is a warrior, he is wise and battle-hardened, he is not silly in any way and the inspiration for the colors is from the movie Braveheart. You can interpret the character however you like, in terms of if the character has any accessories/clothes/expressions/etc. or you can leave it as it is. Tag your entry with 'bossman cupcake'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Adam
Click for more information
Deadline: July 31
About: Draw yourself drawing the picture of yourself drawing yourself. (Confusing? Yeah, just ask FUNimation questions if you need to.)
Category: Fanart
Held by: FUNimation
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: Draw yourself in anime form. Your entry must be hand drawn, colored and you can be the only person in it and it must look casual (sexy, pretty, kawaii....etc). Include your name and age in the description.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Leeluver1
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: The subject of this contest are waywardwarrior's original characters. You can find the original characters in his gallery (not included: chibi's) and they are mentioned in his description of his contest - 'click for more information'. Don't forget to tag your entry with 'waywardcontest2'.
Category: Fan Art, Fan Manga, Wallpapers and Fan Fiction
Held by: waywardwarrior
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: Draw any of your original characters and you, or just your original OC(s), going some place for the summer. Must contain an OC, and be tagged as 'Summer Contest'. Multiple prizes given even if you don't win a place.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Karen Nobody
Click for more information

Deadline: August 1
About: Draw anything original, categories are:
~ANY anime/ manga fan art
~Personal Work
~Other (may include from, video games, music, ect...)
Category: Fanart
Held by: JBXKS
Click for more information
Deadline: August 3
About: Coloring contest. Color one or both of the two line arts provided. Accepting both digital and traditional art. Judging by quality and color scheme. The two line arts can be found here and here. Tag your entry with 'dreamscoloringcontest' and/or pm her with the link to your entry (the size of the line arts are too small to be uploaded at theO if you do not add white space).
Category: Fanart
Held by: Obscure Dream
Click for more information
Deadline: August 8
About: draw any anime/manga character in the real world. An example can be found here.
Held by:Kima75
Click for more information

Deadline: August 10
About: Draw Bluesen12's OC Jim as cute or as sexy as you can. A colored entry is prefered. You can either draw him as a young person or as a somewhat older person. The references can be found here(older) and here (younger).
Category: Fanart
Held by: Bluesen12
Deadline: August 16
About: The basic idea is to create the most Mary-Sue-ish Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu. A Mary-Sue is basically a fictional character who plays a dominating role in a plot and he or she is usually very unrealistic due to the characters' traits. The entry can be for any fandom and anime. It can be in a fan art or comic form. Make sure to explain all about the Mary-Sue: her past, how many people fall in love with her exactly how "wonderful" she is.
Category: Fanart, Comics
Held by: Midnightqueen
Click for more information

Deadline: August 16
About: Very simple this time - draw a fantasy creature.
Category: Fanart
Held by: SaxGirl
Click for more information
Deadline: Aug 20
About: Design a pokemon which resembles you in some sort of way. You have to name the pokemon and it must have basic profile information such as the type of pokemon, height, gender, weight, ability, habitat, etc. Tag your entry with 'Sakura kokoro contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Sakura Kokoro
Click for more information
Deadline: August 28
About: Draw you kissing your favorite character from Naruto. The kiss can either be on the lips or the cheek. It's preferred to have the entry hand drawn and colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Narutoluver1
Click for more information
Deadline: August 30
About: Drawing or write anything KittyKoma related. It can be any category as long as it has to do with KittyKoma. Make something about her characters, her comics, or her in general (i.e. how amazing she is, etc. ;]). Be creative! Tag as: KOMA CONTEST
Category: Fanart
Held by: KittyKoma
Click for more information
Deadline: August 30
About: Draw one of jeweloflife's original characters. Her OC's can be found in her gallery and her comics. You can also pm her to ask her about her OCs.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Jeweloflife
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw at least one of your own OCs with one of Clozimodo's OCs. The two must interact with each other in some sort of way. Two OCs from Clozimodo can be found here and here. You'll have to ask her for information if you're interested in any of her other OCs. Tag your entry with 'Clozimodo' and 'Clozimodo's contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Clozimodo
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw the female samurai group called 'Bushin Geisha' how you think they look. The description of the female samurai group can be found in the introduction here under the title Bushin Geisha.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Markus Wolfe
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw something Final Fantasy related. Only members of the Final Fantasy Fanclub can enter. You can become a member by pming Yurahime.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Yurahime
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw your own original Jinchuuriki character or draw your own original Akatsuki character. If you want the Jinchuuriki to have tails, you can pick from 6,7, 8 or 10 tails or more.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Ami the Eldest
Click for more information
Deadline: July 18
About: Draw yourself as anime character or a real anime character dealing with music. It can be playing an instrument, going to a concert, buying CD's, or listening to music. Be Creative (this contest has real prizes!)
Category: Fanart
Held by: Mewmewlover55
Click for more information
Deadline: July 18
About: Draw yourself as a neko - cat ears and a tail is required. Your entry must be colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Harvestmoonluvr
Click for more information
Deadline: July 18
About: Draw yourself at a party in anime or chibi form. The drawing must be colored, it must have a background and it can be funny/flirty/etc. You must mention what you are doing in the description.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Otomi Babii
Click for more information
Deadline: July 19
About: Theme: Your Birthdate - Either your zodiac sign, Chinese animal, or even the color of your birthstone could be the main idea of your drawing. Tag your entry with 'Kachi's Contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Kachikamac
Click for more information
Deadline: July 20
About: Draw your own original, or an already existing, android. They can be either space age or modern (or obsolete). It's your choice.
Category: Fanart, Ecard, Banner (submit as fanart)
Held by: red kie
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Draw a Naruto character dressed up in another Naruto character's clothes or another anime characters clothes. Your entry must be colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Erstin314
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Submit an entry for the Top Ten list. The entry should be a witty, funny, and humorous line related to this topic: "Top Ten Things I've Learned from". The ten lines that brings the most laughter becomes part of the Top Ten list to be submitted in the Fan Words section. The Top Ten list will serve as a "members' gift" for the upcoming anniversary of later this month.
Category: Fan Words
Held by: The Mask
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Do you have what it takes to be the next Pokemon master? Draw yourself as a Pokemon character with at least 2 or 3 Pokemon in the pic. Colored? Optional but is preferred. You have to draw yourself with the Pokemon and tell what Pokemon you drew. If possible also tell which region it's from. Sorry, but no original Pokemon.
Category: Fanart
Held by: LunaLei
Click for more information
Deadline: July 26
About: Draw your favorite anime couple or draw yourself with your anime crush.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Animelover7310
Click for more information
Deadline: July 27
About: Draw a comic or a picture. The theme and what you draw is up to you - you can draw anything.
Category: Fanart, comic
Held by: narutoKHfighter
Click for more information
Deadline: July 29
About: Draw your original character in the form of your favorite animal. In other words, draw an animal and add the clothes, hair color, eye color, accessories, etc of your original oc. Furthermore, you must give him/her special powers which your oc does not originally have. An example entry can be found here.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Soloo
Click for more information
Deadline: July 31
About: TheO's Official Contest: draw the mascot Bossman Cupcake who will 'represent' Adam's games. A pixelated version of the Bossman Cupcake can be found here. The Bossman Cupcake is a warrior, he is wise and battle-hardened, he is not silly in any way and the inspiration for the colors is from the movie Braveheart. You can interpret the character however you like, in terms of if the character has any accessories/clothes/expressions/etc. or you can leave it as it is. Tag your entry with 'bossman cupcake'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Adam
Click for more information
Deadline: July 31
About: Draw yourself drawing the picture of yourself drawing yourself. (Confusing? Yeah, just ask FUNimation questions if you need to.)
Category: Fanart
Held by: FUNimation
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: Draw yourself in anime form. Your entry must be hand drawn, colored and you can be the only person in it and it must look casual (sexy, pretty, kawaii....etc). Include your name and age in the description.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Leeluver1
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: The subject of this contest are waywardwarrior's original characters. You can find the original characters in his gallery (not included: chibi's) and they are mentioned in his description of his contest - 'click for more information'. Don't forget to tag your entry with 'waywardcontest2'.
Category: Fan Art, Fan Manga, Wallpapers and Fan Fiction
Held by: waywardwarrior
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: Draw any of your original characters and you, or just your original OC(s), going some place for the summer. Must contain an OC, and be tagged as 'Summer Contest'. Multiple prizes given even if you don't win a place.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Karen Nobody
Click for more information
Deadline: August 3
About: Coloring contest. Color one or both of the two line arts provided. Accepting both digital and traditional art. Judging by quality and color scheme. The two line arts can be found here and here. Tag your entry with 'dreamscoloringcontest' and/or pm her with the link to your entry (the size of the line arts are too small to be uploaded at theO if you do not add white space).
Category: Fanart
Held by: Obscure Dream
Click for more information
Deadline: August 8
About: draw any anime/manga character in the real world. An example can be found here.
Held by:Kima75
Click for more information
Deadline: August 16
About: The basic idea is to create the most Mary-Sue-ish Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu. A Mary-Sue is basically a fictional character who plays a dominating role in a plot and he or she is usually very unrealistic due to the characters' traits. The entry can be for any fandom and anime. It can be in a fan art or comic form. Make sure to explain all about the Mary-Sue: her past, how many people fall in love with her exactly how "wonderful" she is.
Category: Fanart, Comics
Held by: Midnightqueen
Click for more information
Deadline: Aug 20
About: Design a pokemon which resembles you in some sort of way. You have to name the pokemon and it must have basic profile information such as the type of pokemon, height, gender, weight, ability, habitat, etc. Tag your entry with 'Sakura kokoro contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Sakura Kokoro
Click for more information
Deadline: August 28
About: Draw you kissing your favorite character from Naruto. The kiss can either be on the lips or the cheek. It's preferred to have the entry hand drawn and colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Narutoluver1
Click for more information
Deadline: August 30
About: Drawing or write anything KittyKoma related. It can be any category as long as it has to do with KittyKoma. Make something about her characters, her comics, or her in general (i.e. how amazing she is, etc. ;]). Be creative! Tag as: KOMA CONTEST
Category: Fanart
Held by: KittyKoma
Click for more information
Deadline: August 30
About: Draw one of jeweloflife's original characters. Her OC's can be found in her gallery and her comics. You can also pm her to ask her about her OCs.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Jeweloflife
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw at least one of your own OCs with one of Clozimodo's OCs. The two must interact with each other in some sort of way. Two OCs from Clozimodo can be found here and here. You'll have to ask her for information if you're interested in any of her other OCs. Tag your entry with 'Clozimodo' and 'Clozimodo's contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Clozimodo
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw the female samurai group called 'Bushin Geisha' how you think they look. The description of the female samurai group can be found in the introduction here under the title Bushin Geisha.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Markus Wolfe
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw something Final Fantasy related. Only members of the Final Fantasy Fanclub can enter. You can become a member by pming Yurahime.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Yurahime
Click for more information
Deadline: -
About: Draw your own original Jinchuuriki character or draw your own original Akatsuki character. If you want the Jinchuuriki to have tails, you can pick from 6,7, 8 or 10 tails or more.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Ami the Eldest
Click for more information
Deadline: July 18
About: Draw yourself as anime character or a real anime character dealing with music. It can be playing an instrument, going to a concert, buying CD's, or listening to music. Be Creative (this contest has real prizes!)
Category: Fanart
Held by: Mewmewlover55
Click for more information
Deadline: July 18
About: Draw yourself as a neko - cat ears and a tail is required. Your entry must be colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Harvestmoonluvr
Click for more information
Deadline: July 18
About: Draw yourself at a party in anime or chibi form. The drawing must be colored, it must have a background and it can be funny/flirty/etc. You must mention what you are doing in the description.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Otomi Babii
Click for more information
Deadline: July 19
About: Theme: Your Birthdate - Either your zodiac sign, Chinese animal, or even the color of your birthstone could be the main idea of your drawing. Tag your entry with 'Kachi's Contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Kachikamac
Click for more information
Deadline: July 20
About: Draw your own original, or an already existing, android. They can be either space age or modern (or obsolete). It's your choice.
Category: Fanart, Ecard, Banner (submit as fanart)
Held by: red kie
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Draw a Naruto character dressed up in another Naruto character's clothes or another anime characters clothes. Your entry must be colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Erstin314
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Submit an entry for the Top Ten list. The entry should be a witty, funny, and humorous line related to this topic: "Top Ten Things I've Learned from". The ten lines that brings the most laughter becomes part of the Top Ten list to be submitted in the Fan Words section. The Top Ten list will serve as a "members' gift" for the upcoming anniversary of later this month.
Category: Fan Words
Held by: The Mask
Click for more information
Deadline: July 25
About: Do you have what it takes to be the next Pokemon master? Draw yourself as a Pokemon character with at least 2 or 3 Pokemon in the pic. Colored? Optional but is preferred. You have to draw yourself with the Pokemon and tell what Pokemon you drew. If possible also tell which region it's from. Sorry, but no original Pokemon.
Category: Fanart
Held by: LunaLei
Click for more information
Deadline: July 26
About: Draw your favorite anime couple or draw yourself with your anime crush.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Animelover7310
Click for more information
Deadline: July 27
About: Draw a comic or a picture. The theme and what you draw is up to you - you can draw anything.
Category: Fanart, comic
Held by: narutoKHfighter
Click for more information
Deadline: July 29
About: Draw your original character in the form of your favorite animal. In other words, draw an animal and add the clothes, hair color, eye color, accessories, etc of your original oc. Furthermore, you must give him/her special powers which your oc does not originally have. An example entry can be found here.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Soloo
Click for more information
Deadline: July 31
About: TheO's Official Contest: draw the mascot Bossman Cupcake who will 'represent' Adam's games. A pixelated version of the Bossman Cupcake can be found here. The Bossman Cupcake is a warrior, he is wise and battle-hardened, he is not silly in any way and the inspiration for the colors is from the movie Braveheart. You can interpret the character however you like, in terms of if the character has any accessories/clothes/expressions/etc. or you can leave it as it is. Tag your entry with 'bossman cupcake'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Adam
Click for more information
Deadline: July 31
About: Draw yourself drawing the picture of yourself drawing yourself. (Confusing? Yeah, just ask FUNimation questions if you need to.)
Category: Fanart
Held by: FUNimation
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: Draw yourself in anime form. Your entry must be hand drawn, colored and you can be the only person in it and it must look casual (sexy, pretty, kawaii....etc). Include your name and age in the description.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Leeluver1
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: The subject of this contest are waywardwarrior's original characters. You can find the original characters in his gallery (not included: chibi's) and they are mentioned in his description of his contest - 'click for more information'. Don't forget to tag your entry with 'waywardcontest2'.
Category: Fan Art, Fan Manga, Wallpapers and Fan Fiction
Held by: waywardwarrior
Click for more information
Deadline: August 1
About: Draw any of your original characters and you, or just your original OC(s), going some place for the summer. Must contain an OC, and be tagged as 'Summer Contest'. Multiple prizes given even if you don't win a place.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Karen Nobody
Click for more information
Deadline: August 3
About: Coloring contest. Color one or both of the two line arts provided. Accepting both digital and traditional art. Judging by quality and color scheme. The two line arts can be found here and here. Tag your entry with 'dreamscoloringcontest' and/or pm her with the link to your entry (the size of the line arts are too small to be uploaded at theO if you do not add white space).
Category: Fanart
Held by: Obscure Dream
Click for more information

Deadline: August 8
About: draw any anime/manga character in the real world. An example can be found here.
Held by:Kima75
Click for more information
Deadline: August 16
About: The basic idea is to create the most Mary-Sue-ish Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu. A Mary-Sue is basically a fictional character who plays a dominating role in a plot and he or she is usually very unrealistic due to the characters' traits. The entry can be for any fandom and anime. It can be in a fan art or comic form. Make sure to explain all about the Mary-Sue: her past, how many people fall in love with her exactly how "wonderful" she is.
Category: Fanart, Comics
Held by: Midnightqueen
Click for more information
Deadline: Aug 20
About: Design a pokemon which resembles you in some sort of way. You have to name the pokemon and it must have basic profile information such as the type of pokemon, height, gender, weight, ability, habitat, etc. Tag your entry with 'Sakura kokoro contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Sakura Kokoro
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Deadline: August 28
About: Draw you kissing your favorite character from Naruto. The kiss can either be on the lips or the cheek. It's preferred to have the entry hand drawn and colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Narutoluver1
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Deadline: August 30
About: Drawing or write anything KittyKoma related. It can be any category as long as it has to do with KittyKoma. Make something about her characters, her comics, or her in general (i.e. how amazing she is, etc. ;]). Be creative! Tag as: KOMA CONTEST
Category: Fanart
Held by: KittyKoma
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Deadline: August 30
About: Draw one of jeweloflife's original characters. Her OC's can be found in her gallery and her comics. You can also pm her to ask her about her OCs.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Jeweloflife
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Deadline: -
About: Draw at least one of your own OCs with one of Clozimodo's OCs. The two must interact with each other in some sort of way. Two OCs from Clozimodo can be found here and here. You'll have to ask her for information if you're interested in any of her other OCs. Tag your entry with 'Clozimodo' and 'Clozimodo's contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Clozimodo
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Deadline: -
About: Draw the female samurai group called 'Bushin Geisha' how you think they look. The description of the female samurai group can be found in the introduction here under the title Bushin Geisha.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Markus Wolfe
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Deadline: -
About: Draw something Final Fantasy related. Only members of the Final Fantasy Fanclub can enter. You can become a member by pming Yurahime.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Yurahime
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Deadline: -
About: Draw your own original Jinchuuriki character or draw your own original Akatsuki character. If you want the Jinchuuriki to have tails, you can pick from 6,7, 8 or 10 tails or more.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Ami the Eldest
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Deadline: July 15
About: Draw a Konoha High character in a Midsummer's Night Dream costume. The Konoha High characters can be found in MagicRinger's and Rein Akira's manga's: here and here. A Midsummer's Night Dream is a play written William Shakespeare.
Category: Fanart
Held by: MagicRinger
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Deadline: July 18
About: Draw yourself as anime character or a real anime character dealing with music. It can be playing an instrument, going to a concert, buying CD's, or listening to music. Be Creative (this contest has real prizes!)
Category: Fanart
Held by: Mewmewlover55
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Deadline: July 18
About: Draw yourself as a neko - cat ears and a tail is required. Your entry must be colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Harvestmoonluvr
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Deadline: July 18
About: Draw yourself at a party in anime or chibi form. The drawing must be colored, it must have a background and it can be funny/flirty/etc. You must mention what you are doing in the description.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Otomi Babii
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Deadline: July 19
About: Theme: Your Birthdate - Either your zodiac sign, Chinese animal, or even the color of your birthstone could be the main idea of your drawing. Tag your entry with 'Kachi's Contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Kachikamac
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Deadline: July 20
About: Draw your own original, or an already existing, android. They can be either space age or modern (or obsolete). It's your choice.
Category: Fanart, Ecard, Banner (submit as fanart)
Held by: red kie
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Deadline: July 25
About: Draw a Naruto character dressed up in another Naruto character's clothes or another anime characters clothes. Your entry must be colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Erstin314
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Deadline: July 25
About: Submit an entry for the Top Ten list. The entry should be a witty, funny, and humorous line related to this topic: "Top Ten Things I've Learned from". The ten lines that brings the most laughter becomes part of the Top Ten list to be submitted in the Fan Words section.
Category: Fan Words
Held by: The Mask
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Deadline: July 25
About: Do you have what it takes to be the next Pokemon master? Draw yourself as a Pokemon character with at least 2 or 3 Pokemon in the pic. Colored? Optional but is preferred. You have to draw yourself with the Pokemon and tell what Pokemon you drew. If possible also tell which region it's from. Sorry, but no original Pokemon.
Category: Fanart
Held by: LunaLei
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Deadline: July 26
About: Draw your favorite anime couple or draw yourself with your anime crush.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Animelover7310
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Deadline: July 27
About: Draw a comic or a picture. The theme and what you draw is up to you - you can draw anything.
Category: Fanart, comic
Held by: narutoKHfighter
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Deadline: July 29
About: Draw your original character in the form of your favorite animal. In other words, draw an animal and add the clothes, hair color, eye color, accessories, etc of your original oc. Furthermore, you must give him/her special powers which your oc does not originally have. An example entry can be found here.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Soloo
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Deadline: July 31
About: TheO's Official Contest: draw the mascot Bossman Cupcake who will 'represent' Adam's games. A pixelated version of the Bossman Cupcake can be found here. The Bossman Cupcake is a warrior, he is wise and battle-hardened, he is not silly in any way and the inspiration for the colors is from the movie Braveheart. You can interpret the character however you like, in terms of if the character has any accessories/clothes/expressions/etc. or you can leave it as it is. Tag your entry with 'bossman cupcake'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Adam
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Deadline: July 31
About: Draw yourself drawing the picture of yourself drawing yourself. (Confusing? Yeah, just ask FUNimation questions if you need to.)
Category: Fanart
Held by: FUNimation
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Deadline: August 1
About: Draw yourself in anime form. Your entry must be hand drawn, colored and you can be the only person in it and it must look casual (sexy, pretty, kawaii....etc). Include your name and age in the description.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Leeluver1
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Deadline: August 1
About: The subject of this contest are waywardwarrior's original characters. You can find the original characters in his gallery (not included: chibi's) and they are mentioned in his description of his contest - 'click for more information'. Don't forget to tag your entry with 'waywardcontest2'.
Category: Fan Art, Fan Manga, Wallpapers and Fan Fiction
Held by: waywardwarrior
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Deadline: August 1
About: Draw any of your original characters and you, or just your original OC(s), going some place for the summer. Must contain an OC, and be tagged as 'Summer Contest'. Multiple prizes given even if you don't win a place.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Karen Nobody
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Deadline: August 3
About: Coloring contest. Color one or both of the two line arts provided. Accepting both digital and traditional art. Judging by quality and color scheme. The two line arts can be found here and here. Tag your entry with 'dreamscoloringcontest' and/or pm her with the link to your entry (the size of the line arts are too small to be uploaded at theO if you do not add white space).
Category: Fanart
Held by: Obscure Dream
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Deadline: August 16
About: The basic idea is to create the most Mary-Sue-ish Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu. A Mary-Sue is basically a fictional character who plays a dominating role in a plot and he or she is usually very unrealistic due to the characters' traits. The entry can be for any fandom and anime. It can be in a fan art or comic form. Make sure to explain all about the Mary-Sue: her past, how many people fall in love with her exactly how "wonderful" she is.
Category: Fanart, Comics
Held by: Midnightqueen
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Deadline: Aug 20
About: Design a pokemon which resembles you in some sort of way. You have to name the pokemon and it must have basic profile information such as the type of pokemon, height, gender, weight, ability, habitat, etc. Tag your entry with 'Sakura kokoro contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Sakura Kokoro
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Deadline: August 28
About: Draw you kissing your favorite character from Naruto. The kiss can either be on the lips or the cheek. It's preferred to have the entry hand drawn and colored.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Narutoluver1
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Deadline: August 30
About: Drawing or write anything KittyKoma related. It can be any category as long as it has to do with KittyKoma. Make something about her characters, her comics, or her in general (i.e. how amazing she is, etc. ;]). Be creative! Tag as: KOMA CONTEST
Category: Fanart
Held by: KittyKoma
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Deadline: August 30
About: Draw one of jeweloflife's original characters. Her OC's can be found in her gallery and her comics. You can also pm her to ask her about her OCs.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Jeweloflife
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Deadline: -
About: Draw at least one of your own OCs with one of Clozimodo's OCs. The two must interact with each other in some sort of way. Two OCs from Clozimodo can be found here and here. You'll have to ask her for information if you're interested in any of her other OCs. Tag your entry with 'Clozimodo' and 'Clozimodo's contest'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Clozimodo
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Deadline: -
About: Draw the female samurai group called 'Bushin Geisha' how you think they look. The description of the female samurai group can be found in the introduction here under the title Bushin Geisha.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Markus Wolfe
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Deadline: -
About: Draw something Final Fantasy related. Only members of the Final Fantasy Fanclub can enter. You can become a member by pming Yurahime.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Yurahime
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Deadline: -
About: Draw your own original Jinchuuriki character or draw your own original Akatsuki character. If you want the Jinchuuriki to have tails, you can pick from 6,7, 8 or 10 tails or more.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Ami the Eldest
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