Contest Update- 6/23/08

June 25
About: R4m3nlvr has made a post (link) about Deidara talking about a girl and he is clearly in love with her. You have to draw that girl and she must be an original character.
Category: Fanart
Held by: r4m3nlvr
Click for more information

June 28
About: Theme: Make an ID Card of you in an Anime. The ID card must have your name, hair color, eye color, your 'status' (Otakuite, Senior Otakuit, etc) and such. Be creative!
Category: Fanart
Held by: Kami-chan.x3
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June 28
About: The theme of this contest is to draw something kawaii/cute. Your entry must be inked and colored. Don't forget to pm harvestmoonluvr so she knows you have entered.
Category: Fanart
Held by: harvestmoonluvr
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June 30
About: Draw a Walt Disney character from one of the older Walt Disney movies. Examples are: Cinderella, Pinochio and Snow white.
Category: Fanart
Held by: zapexme
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June 30
About: Theme: Original Anime. You can draw anything you like, but it has to be your creation and not copied in any way. However, you can use an Anime as an inspiration source.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Goku-chan
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June 30
About: Draw a Samurai 7 Character with an OC of yours or with Hikari Mogami's OC Yukana: link. Don't forget to tag your entry with "Mogamicontest2".
Category: Fanart
Held by: Hikari Mogami
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July 1
About: The theme is friendship and it can be in any category.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Tatsumafangirl411
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July 1
About: Draw your favorite anime/video game couple cosplaying as another anime/video game couple. The anime couple can be original but who they are cosplaying as needs to be from an existing anime. Don't forget to tag your entry with 'loveisdakeycontest1'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: LoveIsDaKey
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July 2
About: Draw gumbygirl's character Asashi-San with any type of expression. Be original. Her character Asashi-San can be found here
Category: Fanart
Held by: Gumbygirl
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July 4
About: Draw a Naruto character and Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings character together, you can also combine then all. They can either be enemies or friends. You can also draw more than one character from each, and they can be chibis.
Category: Fanart / e-cards
Held by:SaxGirl
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July 5
About: Design one or more outfits for the band members of KaidaFaye's series. The theme is Punk. The following outfits are needed: a female outfit (plaid), another female outfit (drummer), a male outfit (guitar) and another male outfit (bass).
Category: Fanart
Held by: KaidaFaye
Click for more information

July 10
About: Draw yourself as anime character or a real anime character dealing with music. It can be playing an instrument, going to a concert, buying CD's, or listening to music. Be Creative (this contest has real prizes!)
Category: Fanart
Held by: Mewmewlover55
Click for more information

July 10
About: Copy the provided picture of Mint ( Here), color it to your liking, and add a caption of your choice to the picture. The caption can be sad, angry, witty, sarcastic, etc.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Sylvrkatk
Click here for more information

July 12
About: Draw yourself cosplaying as an anime character/draw yourself in an anime character's clothes. Tag your entry with 'GreenKatz10'.
Category: Fanart
Held by: greenkatz10
Click for more information

July 13
About: Draw one or more of the following characters: Sasuke (from Naruto), Alviss (from MÄR) or Kinano and Devin (Kinano's OCs). Your entry can either be written or it can be a fanart. Don't forget to tag your entry with 'contest' and 'kinano'.
Category: Fanart, comic
Held by: Kinano
Click for more information

July 25
About: Do you have what it takes to be the next Pokemon master? Draw yourself as a Pokemon character with at least 2 or 3 Pokemon in the pic. Colored? Optional but is preferred. You have to draw yourself with the Pokemon and tell what Pokemon you drew. If possible also tell which region it's from. Sorry, but no original Pokemon.
Category: Fanart
Held by: LunaLei
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July 27
About: Draw a comic or a picture. The theme and what you draw is up to you - you can draw anything.
Category: Fanart, comic
Held by: narutoKHfighter
Click for more information

August 1
About: The subject of this contest are waywardwarrior's original characters. You can find the original characters in her gallery (not included: chibi's) and they are mentioned in her description of her contest - 'click for more information'. Don't forget to tag your entry with 'waywardcontest2'.
Category: Fan Art, Fan Manga, Wallpapers and Fan Fiction
Held by: waywardwarrior
Click for more information

August 1
About: Draw any of your original characters and you, or just your original OC(s), going some place for the summer. Must contain an OC, and be tagged as 'Summer Contest'. Multiple prizes given even if you don't win a place.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Karen Nobody
Click for more information

August 30
About: Draw one of jeweloflife's original characters. Her OC's can be found in her gallery and her comics. You can also pm her to ask her about her OCs.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Jeweloflife
Click for more information

About: Draw something Final Fantasy related. Only members of the Final Fantasy Fanclub can enter. You can become a member by pming Yurahime.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Yurahime
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About: Draw your own original Jinchuuriki character or draw your own original Akatsuki character. If you want the Jinchuuriki to have tails, you can pick from 6,7, 8 or 10 tails or more.
Category: Fanart
Held by: Ami the Eldest
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