There is no pretense here. Let's all just assume we all know why we're here. is going to be at Sakura-Con for our annual meetup in Seattle, Washington again this year, and we happily invite you all to come hang out with us!
Games, giveaways, stories, pictures, terrible terrible YouTube videos... all this and more!
At the suggestion of Japan!Laura, I'm tentatively putting our annual Sakura-Con meetup on Saturday, March 30th at 12:00pm. Would that sparkle with everyone else? If not, tell us when you're free and let's see what we can figure out!
Hope to see you all there!
Okay, I think we're set!
theOtaku's Sakura-Con 2012 meetup shall be Saturday, April 7th at 12:30pm. The location, as always, will be the
It's not really an exact time, and I figure folks can just start gravitating their way to the good ol' couches by the front entrance whenever they can.
Further, longtime meetup veteran chibimaster has thrown an idea into my head. She mentioned she was going to bring some dvds to give away as well - I think I like this idea. If anyone has any spare stuff they'd like to gift or award to anyone during the meetup, feel free to bring anything you no longer feel you need - as someone who just cleaned out his entire apartment for a move, I can appreciate this sentiment.
The best incentive for bringing things to give away? Your swag, your game! Consider it revenge for all the embarrassing questions and Canadian trivia you folks have had to put up with over the years! You know you wanna...
Punch and pie. Maybe.
See you guys there!
EDIT: Oh! One more question about the convention center from you more local types!
Is there any means for internet/wi-fi in the convention center? If not, would we have any brave individuals willing to commit some data? I had an idea to open up a chat window so people could chill with us at least in some fashion or another. Just spitballin'.
A'ight, let's not pretend like we don't know what the deal is here:
Same deal as always. When are you guys free? We can hang out a bit, take some pictures, tell some stories - you guys should be familiar with how this rolls.
As always, free stuff. Maybe not a lot, but we'll see what we can scrounge up.
'Tis a good tradition. Let's keep it up. If you're coming to Sakura-Con in Seattle, Washington, we should hang. Tell me when the best time for you is and we shall see what we can figure out.
Punch and pie. Probably not. I'll think of something.
For those of you new to theO's usual meet-up spot at Sakura-Con, we tend to meet in a fairly regular place: the big chairs on the ground floor near the main entrance off of Pike Street.
If that's not enough, here, have a typed-on map!
Once again, our meet-up shall be Friday, April 22nd at 1:30pm.
See you guys there!
'Allo again.
At the moment I wanna propose a 1:30pm meet-up at our usual place by the chairs on the Friday of the con. How does that fly with most of you?
Will, I know you're only in on the Saturday and I apologize ahead of time. Maybe we can still work something out for Saturday as well, say if we have any free stuff (at all) to still give out?
That said . . . we definitely don't have as much cool stuff to give out as last time. Buuuuuut, I'll see what I can scrounge up for ya guys.
Anyway, thoughts?