Something's actually happening in the midwest, and it's ACen! For the third year running, we're gunning for a meet-up for you fine attendees of
Vital Stats
What: AnimeCentral
When: May 8th - May 10th, 2009 (Mother's Day weekend)
Where: Hyatt Regency O'Hare / Donald E. Stephens Convention Center - Rosemont, IL
Attendance: 13,900 in 2008
The Meet-Up
ACen has a nasty habit of not releasing their panel scheduling until a few days before the con, so we're just going to go ahead and set out meet-up.
Years past, we've met outside the little food mart located inside the Hyatt, and there seems to be no problems with that. Is 1pm 3pm on Saturday, May 9th good? We shall do what we always do - talk, joke, lounge, and have a good time. Feeling ambitious? Maybe we'll order a pizza or two for dinner.
Who's Coming?
Well, if you come, then that's one more! Want to attend the meet-up but stuck somewhere like the artist's ally? Field trip!
Drop a comment or fire me a PM if you plan on coming. Let's make this a con to be envious of!
Alright, we're official! The meet-up at Sakura-Con shall be Saturday, April 11th at 3:00pm!
The location will be the lounge area with the couches on the first floor of the convention, just inside the Pike Street entrance. Here, have a map of the 1st level ground floor for reference:
Sound like a plan?
Hey guys, how's it going?
Taking and the cosplay contest into account . . . how does Saturday at 3pm sound? It'd be more or less right after the cosplay contest.
As for where . . . unless we wanna switch up from our old haunt at the chairs and couches, I think that place is always good.
A little over two weeks to go and I'm only now putting this together?!
Well, as per usual, I feel it is in our best interests that we, the Northwest (and Canadian Soutwest) theO types come together and kill some time in Seattle, Washington at Sakura-Con. Now I already know that probably this year's meet-up will be a little smaller than last year's because several people (including our beloved Gail-Panda) probably won't make it. In turn, I know this also severely hurts our usual incentive for coming to said meet-ups because Gail won't be there to shower us with mountains and mountains of free DVDs again. Still, I'll shell out and put forth maybe one or two things for some impromptu contests or something.
Also, I'll bring a video camera. It'll be fun.
So let's get this badboy rollin'! Who's going? What events can you absolutely not miss? When would be a good time for you guys to all meet together? Comment below with your thoughts on the matter.
Sakura-Con's official website can be found here.
Their program scheduling can be found here.
Punch and pie.
Good news! Youmacon Meetup 2008 was a huge success! Out of those who contemplating coming, three of us showed up!
Saturday was a very busy day. ...
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