Youmacon 2009 Information and Meetup

Hey there Michigan otaku! It's that time of the year again: Youmacon is in one week!

This year we're planning another meetup. So far, we've got at least six people from theO attending (Katana, Ryu, schultzie, Kastom, Hiko and myself) and would like to get as many people together as possible!

Only problem: what time. Saturday is the busiest day of the convention, making it the day we need to shoot for as far as attendance. The only sticking point is the time, considering all of the panels and things that happen on Saturday (the down side of being on the busiest day). Here is the schedule for Saturday, in front of the Marquis Ballroom, so what does everyone think? I was contemplating about noon-ish.

Questions? Concerns? You gonna be there? Let me know in the comments!
