Sakura-Con 2010... Planning Late As Always...

Hey guys, it's me. Alright, so we can't let ourselves down and we have to have ourselves a meet-up. I'm gonna do this quickly now...

Reasons for coming out:

  • This is one of the site's best meet-ups in terms of turnout for both members and staff-types.
  • The Amazing Panda will be there!
  • The Amazing Panda will be bringing a buttload of free giveaways!
  • The Amazing Panda will be bringing her corgi cosplaying as Ein!
  • I'm not going to quiz anyone on Canadian trivia this year!
  • Seriously! Corgi! What more needs to be said?!

Y'know what'd suck? If it turned out Gail doesn't bring Ashton the corgi with her. That'd kill the incentives spectacularly...

Anyway, so when is a good time for people? I'm thinking Saturday because there's lots of time to do stuff on Saturdays. So far I think around 3pm might be okay because it's before the concert and such, so long no one needs to catch anything else around then.

How does all this sparkle with you guys?
