ACen's done and over with, and now your con focus can shift to whatever the Canadians have cooking up for this weekend. Enjoy yourselves guys, and here's hoping your meet-up goes better than ours.
Speaking of ours...nevermind. Not going to cuss you guys out. =D *whacked* We just brought it up every so often at our shoot-the-breeze session. True, we didn't have the offerings - no free swag, no the podcast, nor...well, okay, fine, we didn't have anything. But it was still a fun time.
The only worthwhile link I can think of would have to be the ACen Picture Thread over at the forums. See if you're there, or just check out the shiny cosplay and wish you had been there.
Well, SomeGuy is revoking my posting duties, so I'm out. Later folks!