AnimeCentral 2009: Time again

Something's actually happening in the midwest, and it's ACen! For the third year running, we're gunning for a meet-up for you fine attendees of

Vital Stats
What: AnimeCentral
When: May 8th - May 10th, 2009 (Mother's Day weekend)
Where: Hyatt Regency O'Hare / Donald E. Stephens Convention Center - Rosemont, IL
Attendance: 13,900 in 2008

The Meet-Up
ACen has a nasty habit of not releasing their panel scheduling until a few days before the con, so we're just going to go ahead and set out meet-up.

Years past, we've met outside the little food mart located inside the Hyatt, and there seems to be no problems with that. Is 1pm 3pm on Saturday, May 9th good? We shall do what we always do - talk, joke, lounge, and have a good time. Feeling ambitious? Maybe we'll order a pizza or two for dinner.

Who's Coming?
Well, if you come, then that's one more! Want to attend the meet-up but stuck somewhere like the artist's ally? Field trip!

Drop a comment or fire me a PM if you plan on coming. Let's make this a con to be envious of!
