Things to do:
-Color in Hatsuharu
-Make entries for Balalaika's contest (which ends in November~ n_n;;)
Yup. That's a band, in case you didn't already know. I've heard of them, but I never really bothered looking them up until today. Huh.. so I looked them up.. and I listened to a couple parts of songs on iTunes... then I bought their CD So Wrong, It's Right off iTunes. C:
I love the song Shameless ((I'm listening to it right now. ;D)). It's my favorite one in the whole album. x] I also like Six Feet Under The Stars, Stay Awake, Come One, Come All, and Poppin' Champagne. I really don't see why everyone likes Dear Maria, Count Me In. I think it's very average. .3.
Ehh.. everyone has their opinions. x]
Gwah. Tomorrow I'm going dress shopping with my friend. She needs to get a dress for Homecoming and she wants me to shop with her. I'm not going to homecoming, though. ((*gasp*))
Ehh.. it's not that big of a deal. There's an anime convention on the same day, so I'm going to that instead. Besides, homecoming was kinda boring-ish last year. They only played rap music. Seriously. Like, rap's okay do dance to, but it's sooo annoying. And it all sounds the same. Dx Gah. I hate rap. D<
And that's all. x]