So today on july 3, 2010 Was UfC 116, Lesnar vs. Carwin. I made a bet with my mom. We each wagered 20 bucks. If I won, I could've used that twenty to order soomething from online. (I do like online shopping just to let you know.) My mom was just going to get twenty dollars from me and spend somewhere or save it. Well, first, we choose who we were going for. I went for Carwin. (I think he 's pretty cool!) Mom went for Lesnar, who I also like. Second, we went out today and saw Eclipse. Me personally, I'm not a big fan, but I wont critizise cause i've never read the books. While we were there we looked around the mall. I, being the big spender that I am, took the liberty of buying a shirt, blue jean shorts, a $25 zune card, The 5th season of Bleach so my bro could watch it and a new controller for my Wii. (I broke the old one. Don't ask!)I thought I was okay, money wise. So next we are back home and wait for the event to start. To skip ahead, it ended like this: I am now broke. Because I spent all of that money, I had to use the quarters from my mini gumball machine. All that was in my wallet was two 5's and two 1's. Carwin lost, but i still like both fighters. Brock Lesnar is very, very, very gooooood! The good thing is, i get paid this month. 200 dollars, here I come!
May the power of Sackboy lead me to victory!!!!