Zack Fair Origin of my Username!

The origin of my username. It all started when I was younger.He was cool with his black, spiked hair and his love of squats. Squats.....That's how I knew he was my one and only favorite. I, myself, love to do squats! Since I learned what they were and how to do them when I was five. (Year 1997) Then Crisis Core came out. His story was very inspiring for me. To answer the obvious question at the end. Yes, he was a hero. Zack is my hero. This character was always there for me at my hardest points in life. Whenever I'm sad, I think of what Zack might do or say. My dream is to reach the same amount of squats as Zack Fair! (Who knows how many that is!!!) That way, I too, will have quadriceps of steel! To end this, I will simply say, Zack is truely a honorable and strong hero.

My figure of Zack with a painted canvas back!
