What's up?
- Created By corn
Well this sucks
Just to update, will be going on a longer hiatus than expected. Just a lot of stuff that's happening and it's just stressful. I remain optimistic though.
Here's a rainbow:
Robbed Angel Zakuro of the survey thing. I am bored and I want to get some anime shit for Christmas. The first time I'll actually ask for something during that time of year... I usually don't care to get presents, it should be the thought that counts.
but not really :D
The Axis
North Italy
[X] You were bullied a lot in your childhood.
[X] You adore pasta, pizza, cheese, and fruit
[X] You're very happy-go-lucky
[X] You constantly have a dozy look on your face as if you're always away with the fairies. (People think I'm high sometimes O.o;;)
[x] You have a long curly strand of hair that always tends to stick up. (not curly, but it sticks up)
[X] You're a good artist
[X] You can be clumsy at times
[] You have a friend you always depend upon if you mess up something
[] If your life was in danger, you would do the typical Italian thing and say: "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I HAVE RELATIVES IN YOUR COUNTRY!"
[] You would surrender in a war situation (FUCK SURRENDERING, FIIIIGHT. Then lose, sorely D':)
[x] You're very stoic and serious (eh, on the outside...)
[ ] Sausages are your favorite foods.
[] You like to walk dogs/your dog
[] Your boss/principal/tutor/home-room teacher is a nut-case.
[] You love rules and think they should always be followed
[] You think the world would be better if everyone played by the rules
[] You work very hard
[X] Your alone time is your 'happy time'
[x] You can appear tough but be very considerate towards people
[ ] You've had issues with money once or twice.
[X] You're very mature.
[X] You think everything over before saying it.
[] You believe in ghosts but aren't phased by the experience when you see one (eh, this one's tough to explain.)
[X] You isolated yourself during childhood
[] You became very successful in a short amount of time
[X] You are somewhat inexperienced when it comes to the outside world
[x] You can seem cold/aloof to other people
[] You're good at practical tasks
[x] You need time to adjust to new people
The Allies
The United States of America
[] You love hamburgers
[] You think you're awesome
[] You love to invent things
[X] You love going to the cinema/watching films/making films
[x] You can seem to be very brash to other people
[] You have a tendency to stick your nose into other peoples' business. (I try not to..)
[] You're terrified of ghosts
[x] You know aliens exist (it's a possibility)
[ ] You tend to wear a bomber jacket all the time
[] You wear glasses
The United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
[X] You like tea
[ ] You were quite tough and troublesome as a kid
[x] You're very sarcastic and cynical (No, really...)
[x] Your cooking is awful
[] You love spiritual magical stuff, such as fairies, ghosts...
[] ...But you refuse to believe in aliens.
[ ] You have tried doing black magic before.
[ ] You get drunk quite easily.
[ ] When you are drunk, you tend to be very unhappy
[ ] You're good at embroidery
[] You're very affectionate
[] You think you have a great fashion sense
[ ] You like wine
[] You're the master of whispering romantic things into peoples' ears
[] You love red roses
[x] When it comes to l'amour, you don't mind men or women
[] You're very proud of yourself
[X] You love culture and the arts
[] You're very flamboyant
[ ] You say you're a gourmet
[] You had a very sad childhood
[] You're very tall
[] You have a tendency to switch between personalities
[] You wear a scarf all the time (often during the winter!)
[] You love sunflowers
[ ] You love vodka (underaged here)
[x] You can seem intimidating to other people (funny stories about that...)
[] You're very strong
[x] You have a big nose
[] You have a strange laugh that can scare people
[X] You're very mature (for my age I guess..)
[] You're very superstitious
[ ] You're very religious
[X] You love pandas
[] You love cooking so much that you nag if food has a certain pattern of tastes
[] You love Hello Kitty
[] You try to be a role-model for your brothers/sisters/whatever, but are never taken seriously.
[] You work hard
[X] You're good at drawing
[X] You like sweets (who doesn't?)
[X] You are very well-raised
[] You're polite (I try to be, but I can be blunt too...)
[] You love classical music (eh, don't love it, but I don't mind it either)
[X] You like cake
[] You have a mole on your face
[X] You dedicate your time to your hobbies rather than what needs to be done right away
[X] You are a virtuoso/play very well on at least one instrument (haha, my guitar is my baby)
[x] You've composed music before
[x] You tend to call people 'morons'
[] You wear glasses
[X] You're often ignored by people
[] You look younger than you actually are
[] You love hockey
[] You love polar bears (scary)
[X] You hate fighting (only if I have to...)
[] You have one strand of curly hair
[ ] You often get mistaken for someone else.
[X] You feel under-appreciated (sometimes..)
[x] You're bilingual (not completely fluent)
[ ] You always carry a bear with you
[ ] You smoke
[ ] You're very physically strong
[ ] You've won a lot of fist-fights
[ ] In your social circle, there are two brothers - you get along with one, but not with the other.
[X] You have very strong emotions about a variety of topics (but I'll never impose them on others)
[x] You like hot weather.
[X] You can be very friendly from time to time
[] You look very tough on the outside.
[] You make a very nice role-model
[ ] You don't let people get a word in edge ways
[x] You have a potty-mouth (oh yes lol)
[ ] You like to wear flowers in your hair
[x] You used to be a very tough kid (now I'm short, small, and flabby haha)
[] You're very reliable
[ ] It's better to have you as a friend rather than an enemy
[X] You're very faithful (if only the opposite of others was true...)
[x] Your speech and mannerisms can be considered very unladylike
[] You and your best friend go together like chalk and cheese.
[] You are graceful one moment and grinning like a maniac the next
[] If someone yells that yaoi is going on somewhere, you will drop everything to run off to go and see it.
[X] You're very loyal
[x] You feel like your best friend drags you around a lot, but you both have a great time together
[ ] You're very serious
[X] You have a lot of patience
[X] You think too much about philosophical stuff (who doesn't?)
[x] You get depressed when questioning the point of existing/the universe, etc...
[] You're not very confident (eh, it's on and off)
[ ] You were quite rebellious as a child
[ ] People tend to walk all over you
[ ] You're a born worrier
[ ] You're very flamboyant
[ ] You're quite hyperactive
[x] You can be quite goofy
[x] When you're depressed, you tend to rise out of it like a phoenix (march on, soldiers!)
[X] You're very wary of strangers
[X] It takes you ages to come out of your shell
[] However, when you're used to someone, you're very chatty
[ ] You're very forceful and stand at one end of the argument when it comes to your opinions
[] You love pansies and corn-poppies
[ ] You get up to lots of crazy antics
[ ] You're quite mean-spirited
[ ] You're a bit of a hooligan
[X] You're very loyal
[] You're very good at tactics
[ ] You hate Russia
[ ] You love to fight people
[x] You can avoid marriages quite well (I'm not gettin' married, YOU CAN'T TIE ME DOWN..)
[ ] You're not always taken seriously
[ ] You like drinking
[] You want to become strong
ITALY LOLZ. I knew it!
I was recommended by someone to watch Hetalia. I've heard a lot about it and watched it out of curiosity.
I love it! The historical references and allegory, the satire, the voices, everything! It's an anime that a history buff and comedy lover would enjoy! Italy and Germany so far are my favorite. I've only watched the 3rd episode though... why hadn't I seen this sooner? I'm always late for these kind of things.
My first challenge
I won one challenge :
I feels so proud :'D
Wish I could actually win the guy XD but the medal makes up for it :3
I'm gonna try to make an art challenge thing... I've been thinking about tattoos a lot and have been looking up designs... maybe I'll do something like that
and here's a meme so vacuumology won't kick my ass D=>
1. Type your full username.
2. Do you have other accounts? If so, what is the name(s) of it/them
3. What do you submit on theO?
Fanart I guess. Used to do e-cards a lot, but that's for the talented now XD oh and a manga I'm in the process of making.
4. Out of what you submit most, what is the most popular piece?
....I have a popular piece? XD dunno, I think my semi-realistic Kakashi that I drew once....
5. Are you surprised?
Eh, Naruto was pretty popular a little back and it's Kakashi... but it wasn't that popular. Oh well.
6. Who is your best friend on theO?
I can't pick one. I'd say the ones that I've known for longer that still post here, and the ones I'm closer to, are noirassasin, X_Shadowme_X, and MagnusLensher. You guys rock.
7. Who is your enemy on theO?
Don't have one I think, hate that "enemies" crap.
8. Who do you admire on theO?
Everyone on here that, no matter how much they suffer, they still have the strength to get up for a new day.
9. When did you join theO?
Shoot... few years ago... don't want to look it up right now.
10. Do you like theO?
Yeah, can be a little boring from time to time, but it's a pretty good site.
11. Have any nicknames on here?
Um, no, just my username. You're all welcome to call me I Love You Almighty Ninja God though. (LOL)
12. Belong to rps? If you do, names?
Nope. Never rp'd with people.
13. What do you usually do on here?
Talk to people, submit art, post stuff. Not into anime as I used to be, but this place is nostalgic, have nice memories here.
14. Do you know anyone on theO in real life?
No, but I'm pretty sure they're not creepers XD
15. Is a family member on here?
Nope. No one likes anime anyways.
16. Do you comment often?
On friends' posts.
17. Is there anything you wish you could take back involving theO?
No, nothing I regret.
18. If yes, what?
19. How much of your time is spent on here?
Dunno... an hour or less than that everyday..?
20. Do you keep in contact with anyone on theO that you don’t know in rl?
Why if I don't know 'em?
21. Something you LOVE about theO?
The people here, such a nice community. Friendlier than some other places.
22. Something you HATE about theO?
Hmm... lot of drama on here. Dunno, don't really "venture" around here enough.
23. Something you wish you could change?
No idea really... don't care.
24. How many subscribers do you have?
27 I think.. not sure...
25. Are you fine with that number?
Yeah. Why care so much? Rather have a small number that I can actually be close friends with and talk to.
26. Do you call people on theO with “Chan”, “Kun”, “San”, “Sama”, “Sensei”, etc.?
No, you're not Japanese. XD
27. Do you know what any of those even are?
They're honorifics. Like "Mr.", but it sounds better to say "SENSEI" instead because Sensei just sounds badass. SENSEI!
28. Who do you talk to on theO the most?
People. lmao o.o
29. Dose theO have a influence on your every day life?
Eh, I guess so, the people certainly make my day better (haha, keep on refering to y'all as "the people" like I'm the President. ...iwishlol)
30. What did you think of this 30 question meme?
Pain in my ass. No, it was OK ^_^
Now off to do important things! Like I have any! :DDD
Oh no
This world was feeling lonely so I didn't want to neglect it and decided to post something here.
Giving feelings to inanimate things, am I crazy?
Nope? Just checking.
Nothing important, eating bagels and stressing over school. How're y'all today? It was a wonderful quiet day, went out for a walk, enjoying the trees and sounds of nature. God I'm such a hippie. Next 2 weeks, back to work.... (or school, because I don't have a job D:)