Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am thankful for our ancestors for accepting gifts from Native Americans then taking their land and destroying their culture with slaughter. Hooray racism.... and white guilt </sarcasm>.
Yeah. Don't really celebrate this day much. And we're having ham. *shrugs* I sound like I'm being a downer, but really, be thankful that you live where you have food, water, and electricity. In a first world country people freak out if their Blackberry doesn't work. Please be mindful of this life you're given and understand that you could have it worse.
Now that I got that sober and cynical message through, I'd now like to say something of a light-hearted matter; I hope everyone is enjoying their time off and is getting to spend time with their family now (even if it is the crazy aunt that smells, she is still your aunt). Play some games, eat, chill, and be careful of crazy turkeys.