Hulaberry32's Demons - Erik and Evan

Names - Erik and Evan

Genders - Male

Ages - 17

Species - Demon

Sin - Envy

Appearances - Midnight black hair that falls slightly past their ears, long bangs that cover half of Erik's right eye and Evan's left, piercing green eyes, very pale skin, and very thin bodies

Outfits - Black hoodies paired black skinny jeans and beat up Converse in random neon colors, usually green

Characteristics/Personalities - Quiet, mischievous, needy of material possessions, competitive, sneaky, and short tempered

Height/Weight - about 5' 8" or 9", 130 pounds or so

Other - Erik and Evan become jealous of each other and others, easily. They will do whatever it takes to obtain what they do not have.
