A Lesson in Cosplay

I know many people cosplay because 'it's fun 8D' and don't give 2 cents if the cosplay is actually good or not. Pick the character, Ichigo, cool, just lemme put my black bathrobe on, find a big piece of wood for Zangetsu and off we go the the anime convention. Sucks to be you, buddy.
I have no objection towards the people who have fun with halfassed cosplays as long as they just do it in their back yard. But to show up at an anime convention and just ruin the dreams of kids with an ugly costume, that's just heartless!

I've seen tons of cosplay in my life, at cons and on the internet, and I know it's hella hard to get a costume right especially the ones with frills, but if it's impossible to make a decent one, just give up. Giving up isn't frowned upon if it's made to save the cosplayer's aesthetics and pride.

Another thing which is ignored: proportions! I have nothing against heavy people, I'm not skinny either, but if you weight 100 kilos, please don't cosplay a character that's meant to be skinny. It's traumatizing for everyone... Especially since heavy people don't pull back from characters like Orihime, Panty & Stocking, even Queen's Blade or other ecchi, so, imagine...

Cosplay meant for fun and cosplay for beauty and character loving are 2 different things! Cosplay for fun is when you gather some friends and dress up, take crazy pics in the park, it doesn't matter if they're overweight or the wig isn't styled or if the costume doesn't look nice. It's all for laughs.
But at anime cons the art of cosplay should happen. Gorgeous costumes and gorgeous people, vanity parade, I don't care, I want the cosplayer to be like the character!

Here's what I mean (the one in the right is amazing, well worked and the person is suited for the cute character, while the other one in the left... not so much):
