Welcome to Chinatown! During your visit, be sure to stop by Count D's pet shop, where love and dreams are sold in the form of mythical creatures- but not without a catch. The buyer must adhere to a set of rules, which if broken, may result in death...or worse.

Our Motto:
If you do not adress to each point into your contract, then this store cannot be held responsible for the consequences of the owner and/or the pet...

Onwer of Shop: Count D

Username/Pet Owners/Pets/Rank:

Bonez15/Jesse/Mike the Panther/Leader
DeidaraNarutoClan/Taro/Ari-chan the spider/Co-leader
SandLover13/Alla/Dangerous, Diana, and Death the Cerberus/Treasurer
wolfdemonchild9/Nikkie/Dizzy the Albino Lion/Secretary

Rules of this Shop:
1.) Follow the rules or face the HORROR! >XD

2.) Two words: NO SPAMMING!!!

3.) Your Pet Owner OC shall be either your already created charcter or you can make-up one. I do not want you playing as someone from the anime/manga

4.) Your exotic pet's human appearence must be:

  • A famous celebrity who died
  • A family member of your OC that died
  • A friend that died
  • ETC.

Thank you and have fun!^^


Calling for Trouble

"Where's Mike?" I asked Jess when he saw what had happened, "What's wrong?"

"I think he's upset about some of his feelings..." Jess said, not really knowing how to explain it, "We need to find him."

"Isn't it going to be difficult to find him though?"

Then I heard screaming and crashing, along with a lot of sobbing. "... That him?"

"I'm guessing... Oh man I'm going to be in trouble..." Jess said.

I blinked and then my stomach growled, "I want some pie..."

"All you can think about is pie when he's destroying the town?"

"But... Pie is good..." I replied.

"Okay, let's get some," She smiled.

---Despite the fact you think this is irresponsible, we actually have a plan for this---


~Jesse POV~

After we went out, there was a situation where Mike was attacked by MJ fans and Taro and I have to help him. We went to the park and Mike was kinda sad for some reason.

"Is Mike okay?" Taro asked me. I took off my side-burns and sighed.

"I hope so... Ever since he met Ari-chan, he was happy. But then he got sadder and sadder... I'll go to him." I walked up to Mike and offered a treat.

~Mike's POV~

"Are you okay, Mike? You must be upset..." Jesse asked me. I pushed the treat aside.

"I'm not hungry..." I sulked as my stomach grumbled. I was sad because 1) I love Ari-chan and 2) I'm too bloody and a freak to her... I didn't want to do anything. After the crowd left, I ate a man and offered an arm to Ari-chan. She didn't like it. Maybe to her, I'm just a scary beast.

"But remember the rule? I can't make you go hungry..." Jesse tried to comfort me but I just slapped her.

"No!" I yelled. I then realized what I was doing and I cried, "I'm sorry..." I ran away from her and hid into a dark alley to be left alone. 5 hours later and no one has found me yet. I know that I've broken a rule but I'm too emotional to even care. I crouched down and roared. I transformed into my cat form and I felt a growth spurt coming through me. The contract is taking affect...


I got this idea from a comment story I had with Taro (DeidaraNarutoClan). I can hear the headlines now....

"Giant Cat that looks like Michael Jackson is being emo and destroying the city. Details at 11 PM..." XD

Please continue...

~Sad Mike

Something to think about

"It looks like she's already at home with you from what it appears," the Count told me, smiling at Ari-chan and Jess (Taro's just going to call her Jess because he's confused about the entire situation and has known her for a while and used to call her that when he was around her anyway) sharing a nice tender moment, "Just remember the rules... The shop isn't held reasponsable if the rules are broken."

"I understand," I told him.

"All right," he replied, "Looks like your friend is back up. Hopefully Jesse can stay like that until he gets home."

"I hope so..."

I walked over to them and then sat down. "I think we should leave now, we don't want to take up much more of his time..."


For the record, This one will be in Mike's POV.

I went in the back of the room to see what did Taro see and what I saw was heaven. A black haired woman with 8 arms and brown markings was standing there. Although she was blind, she looked right at me.

"This is the Goliath Bird-Eating Spider, the largest spider in the world. She looks like your mom, but she isn't." Count explained, "Just sign the contract and she is yours." Taro looked and read the rules.

"1) Do not let any human other than you get close to you when she's around, 2) Feed her insects or rodents daily, 3) Do not let her bite anyone? Okay." Taro started signing.

"H-hi." I said to the spider. She blushed and looked away.

"H-hi there." The spider answered timidly.

"You just got here did you?" Spider nodded.

"Well, it's okay. Since our owners know each other, we might see each other."

"I wish I could see things..." Spider sighed. I came closer and held one of her hands.

"Don't worry. Maybe it's temporary. Besides, you don't need to see to know that you are beautiful." I smiled.

"Thank you. You are very sweet." She smiled at me, "Show me your owner, please?"

"Okay. I'm Mike and you are?"

"I dunno. Taro didn't give me a name yet. I overheard him saying that he will call me 'Ari-Chan'." I took Ari to Jesse, who was still fainted. Ari poked Jesse with her hands.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" Ari asked.

"It's a she. Months ago, she went to a contest called the Chunin Exams. She hadn't told me much except that she faced a giant dragon of sorts. After she won, her legs were nothing but blood and bone. Her hair was cut also so everyone mistook her of an adult male. I'm suprised she's living today." I said. Ari just stayed quiet and she shook Jesse. Jesse woke up.

"Huh? Hello there. You are a cute lady aren't you?" Jesse looked at Ari. Ari blinked.

"You look like one of my friend's mom for some reason. But if you are Taro's mama, I am not doing anything bad to him. You must be so proud to have a guy like Taro to be with you." She smiled and she heard Ari's stomach growl. She picked out a mouse from the floor.

"Here, you must be hungry." Jesse gave Ari the rodent. Ari hesitated before eating the mouse up blood and all. She then hugged Jesse point blank.

"You are nice. I will not bite you. I trust you to be with Taro and m-me." Ari said, showing her fangs with a bright smile. Jesse had tears in her eyes.

"You like me, you really, really like me." Jesse hugged back. I smiled as the Count and Taro came into the scene.


Something of Memory

"Fainted you say?" the person who I learned was the Count asked.

Both me and the guy that was with her nodded. "So Jess will have to rest for a while?" I asked.

"Yes Jesse will," he replied.

"Jesse?" I questioned.

"A lot of things changed since you last seen Jesse huh?" the guy beside me asked.

"Yeah, no kidding. I'm too confused," I replied and drank some tea, "Huh... this tea's pretty sweet... It tastes good."

Then I turned to the guy, "So... how long have you known her... er... him?"

"A few minutes," he replied, "The name's Mike by the way... I kinda know your name already."

"Right... wait, a few minutes?" I asked.

"Yeah, she got me here a few minutes ago," he said.

"At a pet store...?"

"Yes, I'm a leopard..."

I looked at him confused, "Could've fooled me..."

He sighed in response, "Yeah, yeah I know..."

Count D interrupted the conversation. "So Taro, you were planning to come here to find a pet?"

I nodded, "I don't really have many friends and no one really likes to visit me so I'm alone for the most part..."

"That's a bit unfortunate... Do you have a pet in mind?"

"I don't care what animal the pet is," I smiled, "I'd care for it with the same love I've had for my friends and family."

There may have been a small smile on the Count's face for a minute... But if there was it passed soon enough. "I couldn't help but notice your necklace... that's the black widow's mark isn't it?"

I looked at it and nodded, "Yeah, it's a sign of our clan. anyone that has the hourglass marking or a piece of jewelry with it is a member, but they are only a member if another clan member gave them the jewelry or marking."

"Hm... Interesting... so you're a spider person then," he gestured me to the back of the room, "I have the pet just for you."

Once he opened the door, my eyes widened and tears came to my eyes. "Do you like her? she's a rare exotic spider that I got a few days ago."

"But... but..."

"Hm?" he looked at me confused, "You don't like her?"

"It's not that..."

"What is it then?"

I dropped to my knees, clutching my necklace, "That's my mother."