Chapter 1 - Remembering

I am all alone...

My mom died when i was just a little girl. I've lived with my dad, pratically my whole life. Until now...he used to hit me, badly, so much, he broke my left arm twice. He died last month...for the most part, i was happy. Now i live with my Grandma in New York city. It's a big place, which from time to time, makes it very lonely.

My Grandma doesnt like me. She thinks i am some posssesed demon child. Or something along those lines. Grandma Jen has no clue whats wrong with me. i always have my long black bangs covering over my right eye. I'd rather see the world in half veiw...then full veiw. Half veiw doesn't make it seem so bad. I also always wear a black hooded jacket. So when i don't want people to see me, i just put my hood up. That way, people won't see me cry.

At my old school, i was an outcast. Always quiet, had no friends, bullied on, and always alone. Hopefully, this school will be better. I don't think it will be, but it can't be any worse than my old school. I came home with a black eye two times and a broken knee once. Not to mention five broken fingers and a shattered elbow. I really don't mind pain, it's never phased me.

As i walk up the steps leading into the school. I try to picture what my mom looked like. I bet she was beautiful. I stop one fourth of the way up the steps and tears fall. She died, of some curse, my dad told me. I asked him so many times to tell me what she looked like, what she liked to do, or even what her favorite color was. All he'd ever say was beautiful, you, and purple. Beautiful, you, and purple...i thought. No one can see my tears because my long steaming black bangs cover ice-cold blue-ish colored eyes.

"GO!" Some guy behind me shouts.

i wipe my tears, look back and say, "Oh right. I'm sorry."

I continued to walk up the steps. Thinking to myself this school may be just as bad as my old one. Before i even got one step, the guy grabs my hand and says, "No, i'm sorry. Is something wrong?"

I look at his shiney black hair, and then into his dull-grey eyes, holding back tears. I look back up the steps. I quietly manage to say, "No."

I head back up the long neverending stairs. The guy just stands there and watches me silently. Watching me as i walk up the rest of the stairs, and into the big doors of the school. My necklace still shines.

[To Be Continued]
