Little Doodle Dump

This is a long overdue doddle dump of random hand drawn things I made in the last month or so. If you have an questions, do ask~ I would love to explain anything to you~ Please tell me what you think~

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Okay, we're starting with my new Gijinka characters for a potential X and Y team for me~ I can tell you who they all are if you ask and be expecting more of them soon~ Enjoy~

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Next up is Alice on a window and Alice and Ozzy having a "loving" moment~ I really like those two together~ Sorry to those of you that don't know about them~ <3

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Lastly are my math class doodles~ There's LOTS more of these to come~

Love you all~ <3 Please tell me what you think of these pointless little doodles~ <3 Thank you~
