Hello friends and colleagues alike, I am here today to enlist you, yes you! to help me with a project I'm working on~ Now, I know there are COUNTLESS talented artists here and I was hoping some of you would be willing to make things for/with me. For you see...
I'm designing a video game!!
And I'm not a good enough artist (nor have enough time) to make all of the art myself. I'm currently using a lot of free sprites and programs and tilesets and such, but I would love to have custom sprites and pictures for events and stuff like that. And if anyone is good at animation... naw, that's too much for right now~ XD
What is it that I need then? Well simple, I need help. And no worries, if this game is completed and published, everyone who helped me will get recognition, a copy of the game and royalties~ If you have any questions, please do ask~
Is anyone willing to help? If so, please message me. I need people to be;
Designers (sprites, tilesets, pictures, etc)
Sound Technicians (music, sound effects, etc)
Story Board Help (side quests, characters, etc)
And if anyone is interested in play testing, that would be helpful too, but that will be a loooooong time away.
<3 ~ Chivee