
to the original Hellsing television series!!!! XD AH-MAZING!!!! I must say I find Alucard...whoops never mind ^^ I would *cough cough* have no words of *cough cough* love if someone were to make a Hellsing *cough cough* wallpaper! ;D geez I need medication for that cough. But in all seriousness, I love it so! But, can anyone explain the Ultimate and the OVA more thoroughly pretty please? I've heard one's a remake and the other's a follow more towards the manga. :/ Thanks for reading my strange (possibly annoying?) post! :D

*leaves videos behind running after...oh wait...anime character not real...*

complements to sorrowofdestiny2009 for this video! I must say I love the Hellsing WTF series as well! ^^

And to NASUKEKILLER complements are sent ^^

Now for all of you action amv lovers (such as myself), Black Cat! XD

thought it would be another rock song, didn't you? ;D Nope! Thanks roleypoley!!!

[End Transmission]
