
Hey guys!!!! I no this is completely random...but i wrote a story!! it was 4 homewurk and i got an A on it!!! YAY ME!!!! anyways....i just wanted to share it with you...I think the plot is kinda weak and stupid but my descriptive wording made it good! Well here it is!!! btw the stuff (in parenthases) aren't in the stroy, they are just little side notes....

A pure white blanket of snow covered the village of Konoha.(XD don't know why) Three sisters were sent out to search the medicinal herbs. Alana, the eldest of the three, lead the way into the silent woods.
"This must be the spot," Alana said as she set down her basket. "Come on you two, we must not waist time. These herbs are to get back to the village as soon as possible."
The silence between the three was shattered by Lu lu's humming. Lu li's humming began to slowly dissapear, this concerned Alana. She slowly turned around and dropped her basket in shock. Lu lu had gone missing. Alana turned to Mei, who was still silently gathering the herbs.
"Mei, because I am the eldest I'm leaving you in charge of gathering the herbs. I must go off and look for Lu lu." Alana said as she ran off into the darkened woods.
Mei figured that she would be left alone, for she was the middle child, this problem was always repeating it's self, Lu lu would get lost, then Alana would go off to get her, and she would be left alone. Even so, she kept gathering the herbs. Meanwhile, Lu lu quietly paced in a lopsided circle for what seemed to be hours. Her feet began to freeze forn the temperature. While pacing, she began to wonder if her sisters knew she was gone. She too went off in search for them.
Mei sat exausted from gathering, and she eyes scanned the area around her. Weakly, she stood up in search of them. They all began to worry and hastened their pace. With out knowing they had run into each other.
"Ow...What did I run into a tree?" Mei thought.
Alana glanced up and sprung to her feet, only to be brought back down by her sisters. With the remnants of their strength, the three slowly returned to the village. On the way, Alana had repremanded Lu lu to never leave their sight. As they approached a yuong woman came up to them.
"What took you so long? I began to worry!" She said.
Their long story was explained and they sighed with relief. The next day things were back to normal, there was no more gathering or searching. Using the experiences from the "adventure" Alana had wrote a small poem. It read:

I remember the times with my sisters. The days we laughed and played. Although those times were fun, I know we will go our different paths one day. Even though we are a part we will always be together, Spiritually or Physically. Our bond is unbreakable and we will always be together.

Alana proudly held up the poem, she knew it was true. She and her sisters would always be together, no matter what. Alana silently chuckled (I don't know how to spell it)and stood up from her chair. Holding it up, she ran off to show her sisters.

HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!! It's kinda long Please comment!!! I like constructive critisim.
