How To Write A Comment


What to keep in mind when commenting: very frequently, wallpapers are made up of a character and a background. This character can be extracted from a scan or vectored. Do not comment on the position of the character unless it is relevant to the context itself (for example, don’t say how much you love the scan, say if it fits the background or not). The waller didn’t draw that scan him/herself (in most cases), he/she extracted/vectored it from official material (coming from the artists of the series).

Does everything fit? In this section we have the components of a wallpaper: colors, effects, manipulation and idea. Let’s take them one at a time:

  • Colors: good wallers can use clashing colors without making them seem disturbing. If what you see disturbs you, say it! Following the rules above, naturally.
  • Effects: nothing new in this department, right? These include additional elements such as awkward perspectives/angles and applying of textures.
  • Manipulation: usually concerning the character(s). It is more obvious in the case of vectored works. Basically, it consists of modifying a base image according to one’s needs.
  • Idea: in some cases this is a real problem, especially in the case of experimented wallers or ones with “twisted” views of the world. It’s not easy to get inside the mind of a waller to see what he/she was thinking when he/she made the respective work. Check the provided description (if any) before saying “I don’t get it, therefore it sucks!”.

If these look good to the eye, say so! If not, state what’s wrong, why and what you think can be done to correct that weak point.

More about walling here: How To Design A Wallpaper – Tips And Tricks.