Look up to the sky!

Ah, I guess this would be the best way to begin a long line of so-called articles I'm planning to write, articles consisting mainly of everyday events I witness but to which I'm sure others can relate as well.

Today's subject will be the ordinary activity of sky-gazing. With your hand on the Bible or any other object dear/important to you, how many of you can honestly say they watch the sky every day? Or even look up to it and admire the shapes the clouds create? A survey would be interesting to conduct amongst the people in Bucharest (the city I live in, which is also polluted, dirty and lacks parks), but I think I already know the answer to this question.

I must admit that looking at the clouds is very inspirational! You should try it too if you have the opportunity - and I'm sure you do, at least 5 minutes a day. It's relaxing and gives you the strength to carry on with your chores/tasks. For me, this was important because it gave me the necessary inspiration to do well on a test (which, by the way, was an essay on a novel) and make a wallpaper that, in my opinion, turned out OK. You can see it below:

1280 x 1024 | 1600 x 1200 | 1920 x 1200

I wish I could describe the beauty of that sky, but it's too much for words. I felt like I was lying down in a field, gazing up at the sky. The clouds were so puffy and soft, like those clouds you see in very good wallpapers, those created in Adobe Photoshop after a loong time of trial-and-error because you just can't make them look like clouds! (but that's different ^_^")

In the end, I'd like to suggest this small activity to everyone. It isn't too time-consuming and you'll feel a lot better after doing it :) See you next time.
