101 things about Blaze

Here's an example of the 101 things about your OC activity, but remember this is just a general guide, you can do it however you like ^-^

101 things about Blaze:

She has red hair
She has red eyes
She’s a demon
She’s the daughter of Lucifer the ruler of the light demon realm
Some of her powers include pyrokinesis, magic and telekinesis
She’s also a vampire
Despite the above fact she hates drinking blood from people and usually gets her blood supply from the blood bank
She’s from the Sang bloodline which means Blood in French, so a lot of her powers revolve around blood
She ran away to the human world because she didn’t want the responsibility of taking over her fathers position
Her fave colour is red
Her best friend is Cole
She hates apple pie
She hates people telling her what to do
She laughs way too much to be healthy
She (almost) always travels with a fire sprite named Zee Zee
She refuses to let anything overcome her
She’s willing to try everything once, well ALMOST anything (had to add that last thing cause vix and ree ree can be such perverts at times >.>)
She doesn’t discriminate against anyone because of their race or gender (though she can be a bit overprotective about humans)
She is a leader rather than a follower
When she can’t lead she tends to be a loner
She can be a bit reckless and takes risks
She enjoys nearly every aspect of life
She is extremely loyal to her friends
She only lies when absolutely necessary or to people she doesn’t see as worthy of her respect.
She hates people who lie to her
She doesn’t trust easily
She loves children
She hates cowards
She loves boots
She has a very loud personality
She laughs at the most inappropriate times
She doesn’t make friends easily
The friends she does make she keeps for life
Even though she ran away from home she still misses it heaps
She loves her father
Her mother died when she was little
While her mental shields are strong in nearly every other area, she has a lot of trouble blocking peoples thoughts when she feeds from them
She hates this because it makes her feel weak
She hates feeling weak
She loves chocolate
She’s good with technology
She likes reading
She’s really bad at organising anything
She always leaves important stuff until the last minute
She can be a bit overwhelming at times
She’s very good at getting away with stuff
She can be very cold at times
She’s willing to kill to protect the things she holds dear
She hates the colour pink
She loves the city and the country
She likes cats
Other than cats she doesn’t really care about animals
She is NOT a veggo twilight vamp
She doesn’t sparkle
She’d probably die laughing if she met a sparkling vampire
She doesn’t sleep very often
She can walk around during the day
Silver, garlic, crosses, holy water etc don’t effect her
She loves magic
She’s very quick thinking
She can usually get out of trouble
While she can usually get out of trouble the people she drags along with her sometimes can’t
She’ll do anything to help her friends
She doesn’t believe in any sort of religion
She lives in the moment
She doesn’t always think about the consequences of her actions
She’s very good at ignoring things
She hates being ignored
She can be very random
Laughter is her cure for everything’
She hates it when people won’t do what she wants
She can act a bit spoiled at times
She always calls her father “daddy”
She is definitely not patient
She can’t stand people crying
She can be selfish at times
She’s not very good at being sympathetic
Her fave weapon is a gun or her magic
She’s not very good at obeying the law
She has a very dark side but prefers to do good
She doesn’t get angry easily but when she does she’s very dangerous
She Pisses people off really easily
She’s Very good at reading body language
She has a very analytical brain
Sometimes she can do things that are very unethical
She Loves to make things
She Fave drink is coke a cola
She loves seeing and doing new stuff
She hates crowds
She’s not a good swimmer
She loves wearing really random accessories
She’s always right (look don’t argue with her on this point, you will lose)
She loves bossing her creator around >.> (aka me)
She never does anything she doesn’t want to
She doesn’t like being around lots of people even if all of them are her friends
She tends to keep things bottled up
She’s very good at keeping secrets
She loves taking photos
She finds humans fascinating
She loves horror and comedy movies
She’s a hell of a lot like me Lolz XD XD
