YAYZ! ATF (acquire the fire)is almost here! Can't wait to go! It's gonna be so much fun! There's nothing like worshiping God to Kutless, RED, Group One Crew, and Newsboys! SO AWESOME!

Some sad news has fallen upon me this morning. My pet bunny died. It died of shock, we did all we could for it. The poor thing just couldn't make it.

Um...Yeah...I WENT SHOPPING TODAY! And my C.C cosplay wig came in a few weeks ago, I'm so happy! I also got a dress for Graduation. Yay for prettiness.

I have to apologize for the review of Code Geass drama 6. It was boys being boys, although it's not appropriate for girls to really listen to. (that's what I think.) and it's main purpose was to build up on moe to make the fan girls sqee. It really depends on who you are and what your standers are. That's all!
