Hot pink slingshots

you stand in a corner
engulfed in iridiscent smoke
gazing out the window
holding my hand

music chimes nearby
we don't hear it
i tie my eyes to your image
you stand oblivious

and we walk away

sharp scents pierce the air
wooden essences, leather, lace and cotton
rock, grunge, hippie, indie
in the lenses, deep oceans reflect,
unravel, scatter
all we think we do
and doesn't happen~

we are parallel, nothing holds us now
had a moment of reaching, passion burst
and we share shame under the label of
'friends'.....we are fake my love

throwing pebbles in the water,
ripples can't be changed

we aim to something we can't miss
and yet our sight is blurred
by envy

see you next week
at the next music lesson
