Saikin Mu-onna

Afloat and weightless
consuming and consumed by fear and hate
display of massacres of all hearts and principles

children playing with matches,
grin with excitement

the specter watches entertained
the scene and mumbles a summoning
for shame to return to them
for reason to recover them
from the coma of sadism and wild jokes
costing minds, hearts and innocence

. . .

the summonings choke in the specter's throat
with a rain of tears and storm of sighs...

the yurei shies away

the ghost of motherly affection, love
consumes slowly a thought

[mirrors and masks crack and shatter in the dust]

something from the inside howls
yet the howls are minimized
to a screech of a moving door

merely the reason separated from the soul
draw a puppet and a ghost

the portrait will not be painted
being too appalling for humane aesthetics
but the shades remain, swaying protection for swollen eyes
